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Building a Grain Bin Dust Simulator: A model to measure workers' exposure of organic dust
a significant health risk in agricultural environments. Exposure to grain dust can diminish lung function as ... confined spaces and are areas where farmers have high grain dust exposure. The research objectives were to: ... 1. Understand farmers' exposure level of the grain dust; and 2. Develop a Grain Dust Simulator ...
Food’s Life Achievement Award. Mr. John Richardson began working for SugarCreek Packing Co. during high ... President when his father retired. Over the past 50 years, John has been instrumental in building the ... science encompassed over 70 years and included advising over 150 students. The quality of his research was ...
Techno-economic analysis of a combined anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal carbonization system
between 180°C to 260°C for 30 to 50 minutes. Parameters evaluated included temperature, time, and initial ... which can be treated by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) at high temperatures and pressures to produce ... for soil amendment through a combined AD-HTC system. HTC of digestate from sewage sludge was conducted ...
Dr. Chris Simons Awarded NIH Grant
independently assess smell and taste function in individuals who are at high risk for contracting COVID-19. The ... Dr. Chris Simons received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to develop a novel test to ... reimagined uses of existing tools to address gaps in COVID-19 testing and surveillance. The award is part of ...
Modeling the effects of management practices on soil greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient content for a corn-soybean system
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH USDA-ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit, Columbus, Ohio ... 43210, USAMonitoring of soil carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes is challenging. Current field-based ... approaches are costly, and time intensive, and thus high-quality data are limited. The DeNitrification and ...
Trish Raridan Preston
levels and at the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office. She is a current 4-H club advisor and on the Board ...
CFAES Connect May 2021
CFAES students honored with university-level awards Copy: Congratulations to the CFAES students who ... received university-level Student Life Leadership Awards! Button context: Takes individuals to Give To OSU page with the ... ...
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Engineering Graduate Student Orgization is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students ... within the department of Horticulture and Crop Science, 4) to serve as a liaison between graduate ...
SP22 graduate email- Second or More Degrees ... =... YesCFAES Advancement ...
SP22 graduate email- First Degree ...