
Search results

  1. Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification

    Applicator card. Class is limited to the first 50 registrants. Link to registration: ...

  2. Farm Science Review

    drone spraying, high-clearance robotic irrigation system capable of applying animal nutrient sources to ... planning, provide in-field high accuracy position information, track progress, and enable remote monitoring ... varying levels of autonomy ranging from remote monitoring via tractor-mounted cameras to on-board ...

  3. Holmes Wage & Benefit Survey Project

    questions that appropriately reflected wage and benefit levels for occupational categories within six ...

  4. Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award

    licensing agreement for the rapid and low-cost soil health test he spent over a decade developing and ... the soil test over 15 years ago with the goal of creating something that was affordable, and so ... the soil?’” Islam recalled, when asked about his inspiration for developing the test kit. Fast forward ...

  5. Epigenetics

    Correlation between epigenetics and related physiologic responses Epigenetic biomarker development and ...

  6. ABC-3

    Aquaculture/Aquaponics Boot Camp (ABC) with "3-I" levels training model proves extremely ... "3-I" levels (Intensive, Intermediate, Introductory), 3 areas (aquaponics, aquaculture, and related ... aquaponic/aquaculture farmers with different knowledge levels gain classroom and hands-on individual and group training. ...

  7. Money To Grow

    Roots, Fruits, and Shoots, LLC. SARE- Project The Costs and Benefits of Winter High Tunnel Supplemental ...

  8. Phosphorous

    such as transport from sewage treatment systems placed below the seasonal high water table and soils ... extensively for water treatment. mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION IS OPTIONAL Phosphorous levels were detected in your ... GENERAL INFORMATION Phosphorus is commonly found in soil, rocks and plants.  Phosphorus is an ...

  9. Potassium

    Potassium levels in drinking water from water softeners using potassium chloride can be very high, and may ... for an inspection of the well construction and testing for coliform bacteria. mg/L ppm Inorganic major ... significantly increase the levels of potassium in drinking water, even at water hardness levels considered to be ...

  10. Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. ...
