
Search results

  1. Stewart's Wilt Risk Low for Ohio's Corn

    March 15, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight is ... carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ... to have a low to moderate threat. The flea beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average ...

  2. Plant-Associated Bacteria Can Improve Crop Health in Acidic Soils

    increased yields of corn plants growing in acidic soils (i.e., with pH levels less than 5.0). In two ... the amount of aluminum and manganese, which can be toxic in high levels. "In low-pH soils, most ... June 4, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Common plant-associated bacteria, best known to suppress soil ...

  3. Proper Proline Management Needed for Effective Results

    resistant varieties exhibiting moderate disease levels. On average, between 35 percent and 50 percent scab ... head scab on wheat, but for the product to be the most effective, careful risk assessment, timing of ... reduction and between 30 percent and 45 percent vomitoxin reduction can be achieved if Proline is applied at ...

  4. Variety of GMO Tests are Available to Farmers

    Ohio State University researchers have outlined a number of tests available that measure the level of ... allowable levels between 1and 3 percent. Japan recently established new legislation that sets a zero ... specialty markets can utilize a variety of tests that determine whether or not their crop is truly GMO-free. ...

  5. CD Wire- February 15, 2021

    first few scheduled: Tuesday, February 16 (10 a.m. to noon) – Microsoft Teams training: Level 100 ... Thursday, February 18 (1 to 3 p.m.) – Microsoft Teams training: Level 200 Tuesday, February 23 (10 a.m. to ... training: Level 100 Thursday, February 25 (1 to 3 p.m.) – Microsoft OneDrive training: Level 100 ...

  6. Variable Rate Application May Save Money, Boost Yields; Learn More at National No-Till Conference

    on three field scenarios: application based on soil test data with the field divided into 2.5 acre ... lime, nitrogen, phosphorus and/or potassium. "Soil type, low fertility and pH levels are main ... which are standard now on most combines. The yield map identifies variations in a field. Based on soil ...

  7. Ohio Land Exchange Workshop- May 25, 2017

    design new approaches to vacant land reuse in cities with high levels of vacant and abandoned land. Lima ... the results of the pilot test in Lima, a training session on basic methods to assess soil quality and ... The Ohio Land Exchange is an action-research project that seeks to test the feasibility of a new ...

  8. Ohio Land Exchange (OH/LEX) Workshop

    design new approaches to vacant land reuse in cities with high levels of vacant and abandoned land. Lima ... the results of the pilot test in Lima, a training session on basic methods to assess soil quality and ... The Ohio Land Exchange is an action-research project that seeks to test the feasibility of a new ...

  9. Chow Line: Vitamin B, heart health link is weak

    discovered a link between high levels of homocysteine in the blood and premature hardening of the arteries. ... the 1990s, studies did seem to indicate that high homocysteine levels in the blood could be a risk ... reduce levels of a substance called homocysteine. And high levels of homocysteine seem to be linked with ...

  10. Yields Inconsistent with Fungicide-Treated Corn Plots, Study Finds

    location to the next. "With such high variability, there's something going on at the level of ... instance, yield response due to differences in soil properties between two strips may be confused with ... Researchers tested six hybrids with various levels of resistance to gray leaf spot and northern corn leaf ...
