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Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to renowned soil scientist Rattan Lal
renowned soil scientist at The Ohio State University, Rattan Lal, has been awarded the 2024 Gulbenkian ... pioneering work in promoting a soil-centric approach to agriculture that has been recognized as a model for ... ecosystems, particularly soils. He pioneered a soil-centric approach that harmonizes food production with ...
Marijke Hecht
lifespan. I am particularly interested in how relationships between human beings and more-than-human beings ... development Relational processes between human and more-than-human beings Informal and out-of-school learning ...
Virtual 4-H Liberty Horse Challenge
their horsemanship skills by performing a pattern that highlights the partnership between horse and ... exhibitor may submit multiple entries but only one exhibitor/horse combination per level is allowed. ... meet the submission requirements will not be evaluated. The winner of each level will be announced at ...
Test accordians
+ This is a test of an accordion Your accordion heading goes here Your accordion content goes here ...
Testing person page
This is a test person listing page. ...
Join 4-H
membership, regardless of grade level. Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...
Interdisciplinary team to improve predictive wildland fire models with novel sensing
Excellence (PRE) Accelerator award in the amount of $50,000 to improve operational wildland fire prediction ... evidence from data collected from field tests (prescribed burns) and lab experiments. “ With the use of AI ...
SENR Announcements, July 15
a soil-centric approach to agriculture that has been recognized as a model for secure food systems that can be ... Matters (QM) Certification Mark. The certification is the result of collaboration between Kylienne Shaul ... Changes in Soil Properties and Bacterial Communities in Rotational Shifting Cultivation Fields in Northern ...
New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing
interpretation of soil test phosphorus and potassium values for crop fertilization from across the U.S. ... the pressing need to harmonize soil testing across state boundaries. It represents an improvement in ... our ability to evaluate soil test correlation.” In addition to Rakkar and Deiss, other team members ...
Graduate Exit Seminar- Megan Greige
measurements, there were no differences between streams. Despite all three streams experiencing the same weather ...