
Search results

  1. Spencer D. Logan

    internships with the grain exporter EGT, a joint operation between Bunge and Pan Ocean America and ... eastern Montana, 1,500 miles away from his family. Reflecting on the isolation of the high plains, Spencer ... recognizes Dr. Jon Witter of the CFAES Wooster campus as his mentor. Spencer fondly recalls Dr. Witter’s Soil ...

  2. CFAES News | 3.27.2024

    Co-hort High-performing leaders are essential to the success of an organization. A high-performing leader ... skills needed to be a high-performing leader through gaining the Foundational Leadership Certificate.  ... keynotes, a grower panel, 40 presentations, a reception with approximately 50 posters, a choice of six ...

  3. Proper Harvesting and Testing of Scabby Wheat Important to Minimize Vomitoxin Levels

    a big risk," said Paul. Paul said that some Ohio growers with high levels of scab in their fields ... and chickens, the limit is 10 parts per million. Ingredients with 10 ppm should not exceed 50 percent ... vomitoxin contamination down to acceptable levels. "If a grower has high levels of Staganospora and ...

  4. Fresh Produce Traceability

    Data Elements (KDE).  The  Food Traceability List (FTL) identifies high risk foods for which the ...

  5. Back 2 School Bash

    nearly 50 organizations within CFAES, including fraternities & sororities, to learn how to build your ...

  6. Tapping Student Strengths: Using Effective Interpersonal Approaches

    students with high financial need and students with disabilities bring a myriad of skills, knowledge and ...

  7. Ohio Species at Risk: Alien Invaders: a look at the impact of invasives


  8. Ohio Species at Risk: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods


  9. Ohio Species at Risk: Native turtles & Impacts of water quality contamination


  10. 2024 Garden Series- Ohio Species at Risk

    FREE EVENTS: Ohio Species at Risk Series Jan 29: Why plant native & Native trees and shrubs April 23: Native turtles & Impacts of water quality contamination August 30: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods November 12: Alien invadors: ...
