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Now Hiring!
Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Autumn Semester! Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each ... and maintains greenhouse plants per specifications for each research project 2. Prepares soil mixes; ... desired: 10-20 Department: Hort & Crop Science (OARDC) Location: OARDC Pay Range: $8.70- $9.50 Open ...
Job Postings- New Positions Added Weekly!
& CFAES Cafe Now Hiring for Student Assistant at Cafe Carmen & CFAES Cafe. $9.50/hour to start ... East Coast. We hire close to 150 drivers to work for us from UMass, UNH, Suny Binghamton, UMD, Kent ... to 8:30 pm. Dairy located in the Creston, Ohio area; milk 150 cows 2 times per day. Contact: Dustin ...
Summer Internship & Opportunity Fair
is open to students at all levels interested in obtaining a resume-building opportunity for Summer ...
Now Hiring!
hiring!! Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Autumn Semester! Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each ... and maintains greenhouse plants per specifications for each research project 2. Prepares soil mixes; ... desired: 10-20 Department: Hort & Crop Science (OARDC) Location: OARDC Pay Range: $8.70- $9.50 Open ...
Soil, Water and Environment Lab
409 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210 The Soil, Water and ... agencies. SWEL can expand your research capabilities in soil, water, plant, and other agricultural and ... environmental testing. We also offer training for students and researchers who wish to perform their own ...
All Day Art- Dia de Los Muertos Sugar Skulls
Celebrate el Dia de Los Muertos with All Day Art! Visit the SAC on November 1st any time between ...
Wooster Science Cafe
between the public and scientists about contemporary topics. Please see the spring schedule below. Our ...
Student Org Guidance for Spring Start
relates to student organizations. At this time, in-person events are highly discouraged. If a necessary ...
First Generation Envisioning Network
with top Columbus area employers. The program pays up to $150 at the completion of the 8-week program. ...
News from Academic Affairs
accommodations for a variety of circumstances, including those who have risk factors for COVID-19 themselves or ... in their household, students being asked to quarantine due to exposure, students who test positive ...