
Search results

  1. Eligibility

    185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. Young Adults:  Adults between 18 and 26 years of age with or ... Youth: Youth with 50% or more free and reduce lunch status qualify for EFNEP. Potential partners include ... income of 185% of the 2023 annual poverty level as shown in the table below is eligible for EFNEP’s free ...

  2. dg_test

    9:50-11:45a.m. The remainder of this program is worth 2 CEU and PDH hours. This two-hour session will explore ... modeling.  9:50 a.m.  Melissa Menerey, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and board president, WMAO, and ... stormwater specialist, City of Toledo and David Reutter, urban conservation specialist, Franklin Soil and ...

  3. Nature and YOU: How Nature Impacts Your Wellbeing

    enthusiasts Shari Gallup and Laura Stanton to learn about the amazing benefits between nature and your ...

  4. Rae Baker

    offer programs with a primary focus on strengthening relationships between individuals and families so ...

  5. Volunteer Opportunity- Event Waste Sorting Team

    a high-end event and we (staff + volunteers) will be doing the sorting for the attendees. There will be ... appropriate compost/recycling/landfill container. This level of service accomplishes two goals, it increases ... because they are receiving an upgraded level of service. Achieving both goals will reflect very positively ...

  6. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    environmental restoration and create win-win opportunities for regional organizations and initiatives. 8:50 a.m. ... Transition between sessions 10:45 a.m. All participants return to the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Coffee ... between academia, agency professionals, and amateur ecologists. Shelly Douglas, executive director, Green ...

  7. Field Ecologist I- Limnology

    conflicts. High level of attention to detail and accuracy Ability to work independently and as part of ... ground beetles, and soil microbes; operations and maintenance of in-situ meteorological sensors, soil ... be considered. Previous NEON program field experience will be highly considered. The NEON program ...

  8. Successful Co-Parenting

        Carroll County Carroll County Extension Office 613 N. High Street Carrollton, OH 44615 Registration ... Clermont County Public Library- Owensville Branch 2548 US Route 50 Owensville, OH 45160 Pre-registration is ...

  9. OSU Extension Online Homebuyer Education Program

    $50,000- $100,000 $100,000- $150,000 $150,000- $200,000 $250,000- $300,000 Above $300,000 Order details ... CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam ...

  10. Master Gardener Plant Sale

    The trees are blooming. The soil is warming. The grass is being cut. Spring is surely in the air! ...
