
Search results

  1. Fall Application of Dairy Manure

    approach $150 to $175/cow annually. The rapidly increasing prices of pumps, hoses, and manure application ... soil erosion. Another benefit of cover crops that overwinter is the uptake of nitrogen early in the ... with your Soil and Water Conservation District to be certain your cover crop mixture meets the ...

  2. Molds and Mycotoxins in Dairy Cattle: Effects, Diagnosis, and Control

    provides an overview of health effects, laboratory diagnosis, interpretation of results with risk levels ...

  3. Environment

    2008) and many cultivars seem to exhibit comparably high photosynthetic rate between 15-27°C (59-80°F) ... photosynthesis but also flowering. Our recommendation is to keep the daytime temperature between 20-24°C ... temperature at 10-12°C (50-54°F). A lower night temperature than 10°C is acceptable but, unless the daytime ...

  4. Watersheds & Lake Erie

    hydrologic features. These hierarchal levels of watershed classification contain a series of numbers from ... indicates the scale of a watershed. Larger numbers = smaller HUCs.  Hydrologic Unit Codes or HUC 6-level ... hierarchal levels of watershed classification For Example: HUC 12 (041000070603) is much smaller than a HUC ...

  5. Services We Offer

    How we can help Assistance with soil test interpretation, new tri-state fertilizer ... nutrient content and utilization as a resource while promoting soil health and reducing water quality ...

  6. Clark earns funding for novel technology commercialization

    $150,000 per project to support external validation that will demonstrate the commercial viability of ...

  7. Corn Silage Price, Processing, Performance, and Preparation

    $0.50 to 1.50/ton, storage shrink at $4 to 8/ton, and feed out cost of $0.60 to 2.00/ton. Final in ... University Extension A high-performance football coach knows, the work is done in the weight room and ... practice. The farmers weight room work out of having quality corn silage starts with prepping the soil ...

  8. Foliar Fungicides for Corn Silage: A Benefit or an Expense?

    with fungal infections is that they may bring high levels of mycotoxins into the feed, but ... practices for disease selecting a corn variety with high levels of disease resistance. At the time of ... concentrations in the ear. The ability to have high toxin level in the stalk means we will need to scout even ...

  9. AgTech Innovation Hub Announces Funding for Research Projects

    a deeper understanding of and effective management and mitigation strategies for climate risks. This week ... funding pledged by Nationwide to tackle these pressing challenges head-on. In a highly competitive ... Plug on Drought Risks: Automated Drainage Water Management This project will study the effects of ...

  10. Dr. M. Soledad Benitez Ponce

    relative to soil, found in hydroponic production, could potentially allow us to better manipulate microbial ... relationships between production practices and/or environmental conditions that might promote or mitigate ...
