
Search results

  1. Cloverbud Insights

    to learn) it must be carried out at the age appropriate level of the Cloverbud children. If ... level of the group of children. Five year olds need more guidance and assistance with the activities in ...

  2. Five Ohio teens selected to be Roth Scholars

    two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, ... of highly trained educators, in-person and virtual programming options, and longstanding reputation ...

  3. Leading from Wherever You Are online

    addition to influence, leaders need to build positive relationships with others at all levels of the ... will focus on the relationships you have at all levels of your organization.  Participants will share ... influence at all levels of the organization. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Please note, if you ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Conference

    exploration, risk management, camping, leadership, cake decorating, dancing, animal sciences, and much more. In ... supports the Ohio 4-H Program, in a charitable manner at the county, state, or national level. Friend of ...

  5. Join 4-H

    membership, regardless of grade level. Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...

  6. Sours, Tatum collect 2024 ASABE awards

    excelled and demonstrated leadership on the local, national and /or international levels as shown by their ... activities and offices held at each level. The candidate who receives this award should also have expressed ...

  7. Martin receives Odum Award from AEES

    stakeholder groups to investigate connections between downstream water quality and management practices in ...

  8. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  9. Ohio teens grow as global citizens in Greece

    students from the American Farm School in internship experiences. They rotated between units focused on ... experience,” said Mishne. “Our group did check-ins every evening and shared our highs and lows of the day. It ... was interesting to see the ways that our highs and lows differed, and it was really refreshing that ...

  10. Ohio teens selected as Roth Scholars

    two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, ...
