
Search results

  1. Meet Owen Si: International Plant Doctor

    college.  Owen was born and raised in Qingdao, a big city in the Chinese province of Shandong. Back in high ... by and his results from the Gaokao test (China’s prerequisite test for entrance to universities and ... higher-level institutions) came in, he felt that he should grasp the opportunity to study in America while he ...

  2. Kaletunç awarded Fulbright U.S. Specialist Award to Slovenia

    address introducing the advance food engineering topics into the curriculum on the 2nd level of Bologna ...

  3. USDA and FABE Develop Worlds First Intelligent Sprayer

    pesticide use by more than 50 percent. All this, and the intelligent sprayer showed the same level of pest ... a principle we can practice.” The intelligent sprayer development and testing team represents a collaboration ... between CFAES, FABE, CFAES’s Department of Entomology and the USDA-Agricultural Research Service ...

  4. Skin Scanning & Sun Safety

    include (but are not limited to): ˃ Pre-school ˃ Elementary school ˃ Junior high school ˃ High School ...

  5. 2023 FABE Student Scholarship and Awards Banquet Results

    scholarships were also given out, totaling 69 students and over $126,000 on a departmental level.  Finally, the ...

  6. Ann D. Christy

    I have won multiple teaching awards at the college, university, and national levels including the USDA ...

  7. Community Development

    offer county-level services, you can learn more by visting OSU Extension Community Development. ...

  8. President’s Research Excellence Catalyst Grants in FABE

    interdisciplinary teams to pursue large-scale, high-impact research that addresses emerging or existing national and ...

  9. Advanced Food Process Design

    of foods with quantification of the physical changes occurring between the time of raw material ...

  10. Meet Jaden Tatum: Engineering a Path to a More Sustainable Future

    because there are huge gaps in yields, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a large proportion of ... attended the University of Arkansas upon graduating from high school. As an undergraduate student, Jaden ... designing and testing a grain drying and storage system for use in developing countries,” Jaden explained. ...
