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  1. Three FST Faculty Named 2020 IAFoST Fellows

    advice on scientific matters. Fellows serve as independent persons to work and promote high standards of ...

  2. Soil Health Series- Episode 8 (Soil Compaction)

    Soil Health Series with Vinayak Shedekar features Randall Reeder, Faculty Emeritus at The Ohio ... State University. They discuss “Soil Compaction"- how it affects crop production and soil ... currently undertaken. Soil Health Videos ...

  3. For some things, Columbus is still the best test market

    By: Jayne Gest Smart Business Network  Columbus has been historically known as a test market. ... That’s for sure. But what isn’t as sure is whether the city is still a powerhouse for test marketing ... The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, says Columbus still has a strong history in test ...

  4. Soil Health Series- Episode 11

    SOIL HEALTH SERIES with Vinayak Shedekar. He presents a report on the Conservation Tillage and ... some of the speakers and attendees at the conference who presented on various topics related to soil ...

  5. The Science of Soil Health

    videos focusing on the science of soil health. In the fall of 2013 Buz made a cross-country trek to ... science of soil health. This is an introduction to the "The Science of Soil Health" video ...  Soil Health ...

  6. January 2016 Highlights

    called High Pressure Processing of Food: Principles, Technology and Applications with Gustavo V. ... chapters grouped into seven relevant sections, the new book summarizes various aspects of high ... regulations to application of high pressure in food pasteurization, sterilization, extraction, homogenization, ...

  7. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    shells are filled out but the peas inside are still tender and sweet.  Once they start to form pods, test ... not to plant in very wet soil, let it dry out before planting.  Poke the seeds into the soil 1-2 ... the center.  Leave 18 inches between each double row.  Depending on the temperature, it may take nine ...

  8. Teacher Appreciation Day 2020

    from pre-schools to high schools to afterschool programs, but we know both our meaningful work ...

  9. CFAES Alumni Awards Announced, 50th Ceremony on March 4

    The 2021 CFAES Alumni Awards Ceremony will be held virtually on March 4 at 7pm. The 2021 honorees include Bobby Moser, faculty emeritus and former dean of CFAES; Susan Crowell, former editor of Farm and Dairy; and Senator Bob Peterson – all who have been ...

  10. Soil Health Series- Episode 5 (Cover Crops Part-2)

    On our Aug 10, 2017 Soil Health Series,  Jim Hoorman  (Regional soil health specialist with the ... Northeast Region NRCS-Soil Health Division, Ohio and Michigan.) was the featured guest with hosts Wayne ...
