
Search results

  1. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Wednesday 19 th September 2012 09.30-10.50- Welcome to UCD Biosystems            Francis Butler (University ... of College Dublin) 10.50-11.15- Break 11.15-12.30- Tour UCD Biosystems/UCD 12.30-13.30- Lunch ...

  2. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  3. Chow Line: Are You Eating Out for Valentine’s Day?

    eggs, meat, poultry and fish, need to be cooked to a temperature high enough to kill pathogens that may ...

  4. Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm

    of Food and Agriculture funds the project. Topics also included studies on soil-building cover crops, ...

  5. Innovation Seminar Series

    health, synthetic biology and the production of high-value chemistry from sustainable resources.   He has ...

  6. Besancon to complete internship with FLM+

    Norwayne High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  7. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    focuses on the complex relationship between diet and health. Part of the College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  8. Ohio State Researchers: Milk Date Labels Contribute to Food Waste

    manufacturers,” Roe said. “There’s a difference between quality and safety. “Pasteurized milk is safe past the ...

  9. Ohio Nutrient Management & Education

    apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres used for agricultural production grown ...

  10. Introductory HACCP

    1 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for ...
