
Search results

  1. 2021 Victory Gardens Program

    Victory Gardens program. Due to high demand, the program has expanded to include 25 counties, up from 10 ...

  2. Quantifying reactive oxygen species in plants

    the dye Amplex Red to quantify H 2 O 2 and other ROS in plant tissue. The technique was tested on ... droughted or not. As expected, in the absence of infection we observed significantly higher levels of ROS in ... non-inoculated pines), but there were no significant differences in ROS concentrations between inoculated (5.12 ...

  3. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Alumni

    research focused on the testing of experimental and commercial biofertilizer and biopesticide formulations. ... in 2008 under Dr. McSpadden-Gardener's supervision. She studied the relationships between suppressiveness ... soil ecology and their effects on plant production.  She is currently pursuing a PhD at the University ...

  4. Corrugated Plastic Tubing

    laser-beam-controlled, high–speed trenchers and drain plows. Valuable field tests with smooth-wall plastic pipe were ... tests indicated that four-inch-diameter tubing, that had the required deflection strength, could not ... from soil. Installation was also faster and required less labor. Corrugated plastic tubing was first ...

  5. Everyone Will Be Counted in the 2020 Census

    levels of government. The census is so important that every household’s response is required by law, and ...

  6. Drewry represents Ohio State in COALESCE; Research team receives $7 million NSF grant

    agricultural stress and yield in order to better inform the practices of highly precise technologies.  by Chip ...

  7. Current Budget Status

    to pre-pandemic levels. I am happy to say that with all that has transpired this last year, we have ... we continue to have the support of our local funders. Our county appropriations has remained level or ...

  8. Food Pantry

    inside the pantry will then bring out all of the students requested items. Lincoln Tower, Suite 150 1800 ...

  9. Extension Associate Water Quality Positions

    prevent soil erosion, etc. Each Extension water quality associate will be responsible for a particular ...

  10. Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – March 3 Webinar

    What is diversity and why is it important? What is the difference between equality and equity? ...
