
Search results

  1. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily ...

  2. First Year and Transfer Students

    of Engineering based on their academic performance in high school and their ACT or SAT test score. ... hours and a GPA at your previous institution of 3.0 or higher, and have completed college level calculus ...

  3. Hallway Conversations – A Virtual Networking Event on April 6

    opportunities are the conversations and networking that happen in the hallway between sessions. We want to ...

  4. Energy Infrastructure, Hydrocarbon Exports, and Community Risk

    magnitudes of oil train risk and associated variations across rurality, urbanity, and related socioeconomic ... a catastrophic derailment in the past which is of high community salience, older populations, those who perceive ... likely to perceive greater risks concerning oil train activity. Findings are discussed with implications ...

  5. OSU Extension and CFAES Research Collaborators Receive National Priester Award

    recognizes sound and innovative health and wellness programs at the county, state and national level. The ...

  6. Meet Abby Obert: Adventures in the World of Drainage

    Abby held an internship with Allen Soil and Water Conservation District as a water resources intern. ... direction of the pipes. If there was flowing water, they would collect a sample to test for nitrates, ...

  7. Meet Kaylee Presnell: NASA Space Crop Production Intern

    agencies. One such partnership is between Ohio State and NASA, offering a chance for students to participate ... a collaboration between the NASA, the Canadian Space Agency and the Privy Council Office.  “I was very interested ...

  8. Knowledge Exchange Updates

    We provide a link to the original paper or article. Check out soil health research, innovative ...

  9. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    beautiful specimen trees.  Even though they have leaves, they are the only living link between ferns and ... alkaline and acid compacted soils and will withstand drought, salted roads, wind and even fire.  But do not ... transplanted and have a slow to medium growth rate depending on cultural conditions.  They cast light to ...

  10. Purdue Extension UAV Technology Program

    FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Test Preparation Course Topics Please click  here  for flyer with ...
