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  1. Communiqué January 21, 2015

    statewide needs assessment format. It is our desire for the format to be useful at the county level as well. ... plans for the statewide assessment, and the group is charged with coming up with ideas for county-level ... the relationship between the clientele’s expectations in relation to the delivery of a program or ...

  2. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    conference, backyard food production, local foods, 4-H enrollment, Policy 1.50, quality assurance, video ... generalist, CFAES Human Resources Per the new University policy 1.50 (Activities and Programs with Minor ... resources to testing four half-time program positions that focused on educational technology within ...

  3. Communiqué January 22, 2014

    so high that it was included as a double session. One of my biggest concerns is the declining ... taxes as a risk management tool, similar to crop insurance or commodity marketing. Because we think of ... Affordable Care Act will remain at the top of the list. Other topics high on the list include depreciation, ...

  4. NELD Applications Being Accepted

    learning. Broaden their understanding of Extension on a local, state, national and international level Build ...

  5. Best Boss Ever

    qualities that make a high-performing boss? Why is it important to be a good boss? When you are a great ... boss, your employees look forward to coming to work. Productivity is high, and your employees work ...

  6. Communiqué June 19, 2013

    providing an additional link from the state to local level. Back to Top OSUE Innovative Grant Funding ... technologically wired, highly educated and eager to make a difference in their workplace. This highly interactive ... between 1980 – 2000, and this generation is almost as large as the Baby Boomer generation. An ...

  7. Ohio Youth Institute

    Ohio Youth Institute at Ohio State University At this exciting day-long event, participating high ...

  8. Managing Risk in the Grains & Navigating the Farm Program Choices

    The morning program will focus on market outlook and managing risk in the grain markets. Speakers ...

  9. iAGRI PhD Student, Rita Mirondo, works to advance food processing in Tanzania

    of these different processing methods, and Rita’s objective is to find a balance between producing ... a product that is safe for consumption and a quality level desired by the consumer,” explains Dr. Barringer. ... is very popular in Tanzania and is experiencing a greater demand partly because of the high ...

  10. Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session

    with the proper identification.  You will walk through the process and test your plant ID skills.  ... common and not so common insects attacking turfgrass in northwest Ohio.   At what levels as we monitor, ...
