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  1. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    Ohio Maple Producers Association; free testing of hydrometers, refractometers and Vermont Temporary ...

  2. Pipeline Easement & Right-of-Way Agreements

    Register by July 20 at 740-489-5300. $5 registration fee. Held at: Secrest Senior Center 201 High ...

  3. Better Process Control School Acidified Foods

    to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event of a low attendee ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- November 26, 2012

    high quality teaching, research (including creative & scholarly works), and service. Our ... Message from the Director Keep Commitments- Behavior # 12 of High-Trust Leaders WebEx Meeting Center and ... now $150. For complete information and registration link, visit: You ...

  5. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  6. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

    higher level leadership positions within organizations.  • Professionals who are facing communication ...

  7. Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management

    October 4 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for ...

  8. The Habits of Highly Reliable Leaders

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  9. Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Carried Diseases on the Rise in Ohio

    include severe headache and high fever, then a few days later, a rash usually appears on wrists and ... from biting. Pets should be protected all year with a veterinary-prescribed product, as dogs are highly ...

  10. CD Wire- February 11, 2014

    seeking a promotion (level II and above) must submit a letter requesting promotion and/or transfer to Ken ... conference between keynote speakers, meal events, awards and recognition, networking opportunities, a panel ... OSU Extension is pleased to be able to offer  ten $500 scholarships  to support OSU Extension ...
