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Farm Machinery Roadway Laws
law states that vehicles are not allowed to exceed 102 inches in width, 50 feet in length, or thirteen ...
2018 Small Grains Field Day
choose between one of two afternoon sessions. Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...
Brenda Metro- Food Engineering Student
fully implemented a new sensory test, which required me to prepare numerous training documents, write ... Nestle management on many levels and with our operators. By the end of my internship, I couldn’t go ...
FABE Seminar
on April 5 between 1:30 PM and 3 PM. I also would like to have the same room reserved from 10 AM till ...
OSU team creates high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions
high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions. NASA high-tech salad bar ...
Graduate Student Organization
Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...
Dining with Diabetes
three-modules with: Videos Interactive presentation Fact sheets and resources Short surveys to test knowledge An ...
Farm Management Seminar Series
the workshop series is $50 and includes the program, handouts and a light supper provided each ...
Time to Scout for Stink Bugs in Soybeans
Prevent seed damage by scouting and applying rescue treatment at appropriate threshold levels. Several ...
FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout
"high-bay”) and high-volume grill for an end-of-the-semester celebration and cookout on Monday, April 25 from ...