
Search results

  1. TechCred Eligible Certificate Programs

    Individual Courses of Special Interest Agronomy/Crop Management & Soil Conservation Construction ...

  2. Crucial Conversations Training set for August and September

    heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial ...

  3. New Introductory Career Development Planning for Students

    campus through their introductory GENSTDS 1201.01T course. “A similar partnership between academics and ...

  4. Hallway Conversations – A Virtual Networking Event on April 6

    opportunities are the conversations and networking that happen in the hallway between sessions. We want to ...

  5. ATI Homecoming Chipotle fundraiser

    Chipotle on Burbank Road between the hours of 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm, Wednesday April 20th and support the ATI ...

  6. OSU Extension and CFAES Research Collaborators Receive National Priester Award

    recognizes sound and innovative health and wellness programs at the county, state and national level. The ...

  7. Agronomy / Crop Management & Soil Conservation

        We have two programs that may be of interest to you: Agronomy and Crop Management and Soil ... of soil, crop, and pest management. The Associate of Science degree program at Ohio State ATI allows ... students to complete 50 percent of the curriculum needed to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in ...

  8. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    beautiful specimen trees.  Even though they have leaves, they are the only living link between ferns and ... alkaline and acid compacted soils and will withstand drought, salted roads, wind and even fire.  But do not ... transplanted and have a slow to medium growth rate depending on cultural conditions.  They cast light to ...

  9. Knowledge Exchange Updates

    We provide a link to the original paper or article. Check out soil health research, innovative ...

  10. Community and Involvement Fair Registration

    Wilson Street between the new Wooster Science Building and Shisler Conference Center. Participating ...
