
Search results

  1. AWARES Program Empowers Women to Stay in Engineering Careers

    implicit bias, imposter syndrome, and microaggressions. Between these learning community meetings, students ... mentors who have participated in the program over the last two years speak highly of the program’s impact. ...

  2. February is Million Hearts Month

    Plan. Edcational Programs: Feb. 1:  Reducing your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease webinar with Scott ...

  3. Zero waste, big benefits: OARDC hosts large-scale composting course

    organic wastes, such as food waste, into soil nutrients and soil amendments.” The course, which marked its ...

  4. Steady Goes It on the Ice and Snow

    and manage risk factors can allow older adults the opportunity to live a full and active life free of ... is understandable.  One of the biggest risks from wintry weather is falling, particularly among older ... safer for you when conditions are bad. ·       When in doubt, don't risk it.  Ask for help if you ...

  5. V. Shedekar Exam

    202 Hi Jim, Can you please reserve room 202 between 8 to 12 noon on following dates. I am hoping ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    help them be more successful with their 4-H dog projects. Teamwork between the 4-H member and his/her ...

  7. 2016 Incentive Program

    a little more fun- as you complete various levels, you'll earn points and rewards along the way.  Get ...

  8. Shearer Receives BETHA Grant for Global Sustainable Village

    between science, technology, society, and cultural issues. This year, a record number of 37 proposals were ...

  9. test attach

    test attach ...

  10. Dr. Norman Fausey named Fellow of ASABE at the Annual International

    International Meeting in Kansas City.  Dr. Fausey leads the ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit on the OSU, Columbus ...
