
Search results

  1. Victoria Chen wins Emerging Service-Learning and Emerging Community Engagement Awards

    “ Sustainable Futures for Linden Village ” project is a partnership between OSU faculty in the Colleges of ...

  2. Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak

    become contaminated. For example, if animal feces are in the field or soil in which the produce is grown, ...

  3. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    program, I highly invite you to continue reading this article about a program that has a long history that ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  4. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Wednesday 19 th September 2012 09.30-10.50- Welcome to UCD Biosystems            Francis Butler (University ... of College Dublin) 10.50-11.15- Break 11.15-12.30- Tour UCD Biosystems/UCD 12.30-13.30- Lunch ...

  5. 2011 Grad News

    a plaque and $800 for each recipient, recognizes high achievement in research and service to the ... publication, Relationship between Yearly Fluctuations in Fusarium Head Blight Intensity and Environmental ...

  6. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  7. Pierluigi Bonello Lab

    blight and canker pathogen Diplodia pinea. A second major area of interest is on the effects of soil type ... and soil management regimes on mycorrhizal community structure of trees in simulated urban ... environments. We are investigating the effects of soil type and management regime, fertility, and mycorrhizal ...

  8. Chow Line: Are You Eating Out for Valentine’s Day?

    eggs, meat, poultry and fish, need to be cooked to a temperature high enough to kill pathogens that may ...

  9. Ohio State Researchers: Milk Date Labels Contribute to Food Waste

    manufacturers,” Roe said. “There’s a difference between quality and safety. “Pasteurized milk is safe past the ...

  10. Dollar spot database

    information about the repertoire of expressed genes and their expression levels in different conditions in ... can search the database for the expressed genes in a given library. The abundances show the level of ...
