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  1. College Scholarships

    scholarships for 4-H members from Fort Laramie High School. Second preference is for 4-H members from any ... Shelby County high school. Alpha Gamma Rho Scholarship ​ RALPH L. BAZLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP.  Income ... or ATI who exhibit high moral standards, reside in Highland County, and have graduated from a high ...

  2. Converting Biogas to Transportation Fuels

    cascade storage system typically consists of three reservoirs with low, medium and high pressure, ... a multi-stage compressor and a high-pressure storage system [2]. There are two commonly used storage systems: ... respectively; accordingly, CNG is filled to on-board cylinders via three steps from low pressure to high ...

  3. Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir?

    spp.) are all types, or genera, of medium to tall (60-200 feet), evergreen, needle-bearing, ... yardwork, pruning or removal, or decorating. Spruce needles easily roll between one’s fingers and have ... soft, flat (two-sided) and cannot be rolled between one’s fingers. Fir needles give off a citrusy scent ...

  4. Potassium

    recommended potassium levels may be influential in glucose control and the risk of diabetes. Potassium ... indicates increasing potassium creates a protective effect against hypertension (high blood pressure). The ... muscles contract—including your heart—and helps with nerve function. Consuming a high potassium diet has ...

  5. Soil Terminology and Definitions

    of soil antecedent biological activity. A high BR generally indicates higher soil microbial activity, ... accumulation in the soil. This index can be used as an early and sensitive indicator of carbon or soil organic ... and macropores leading to soil compaction and decreased soil organic matter levels. Soil compaction ...

  6. Cicada Killer Wasp

    prefer to dig new nesting holes in full sun, where well-drained soils exist and vegetation is sparse. ... killer females can cause unsightly soil mounds, often displacing several pounds of soil while tunneling. ... Each female digs an individual burrow 6–10 inches deep and one-half inch wide. The soil is dislodged by ...

  7. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    plants can occur at temperatures below 46 F. Colder soil temperatures also result in more calendar days ... needed for emergence as early-season emergence is controlled by soil-accumulated growing degree days ... consider planting as soon as soil temperatures are predicted to remain at or above 46 F. Also, consider ...

  8. Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland

    from other trees, health and vigor, non-timber value (e.g., wildlife, aesthetics, etc.), risk of loss ... silver maples, for example, often approach biological maturity well before they are 150 years old, while ... value increase falls below a desired level. The rate of value increase of a tree can be determined by ...

  9. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    maturity). Vegetative and reproductive stages of development are determined when 50% or more of the plants ... coleoptile emerges through the soil surface (Figure 2). The root system consists of the radicle (with branch ... roots) and seminal roots. The number of calendar days between planting and emergence varies and is ...

  10. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production

    grape yield. High densities of spotted lanternfly (>50 SLF per vine) result in reduced clusters per ... experiencing high traffic should be carefully monitored for the presence of SLF. Vineyards near transportation ... corridors and/or areas with a large proportion of SLF host plants may be at a higher risk for SLF ...
