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Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day
registrations are $50, space permitting. Registration includes coffee/doughnuts, lunch, and speaker materials. ...
Keeping Phosphorus Out of Waterways
million. Almost every year, somewhere in Ohio, at least one public alert goes out about high nitrate levels ... are testing phosphorus filters that have removed up to 75 percent of the phosphorus running through ... field, rainfall percolates through layers of soil and eventually into an underground plastic pipe system ...
Ohio Saves
"spenders" exist in all income levels. Which one are you? Studies have shown that saving even a bit of money ...
New Nitrogen Recommendations Now Available
can use the high side of the rate range. If they are more willing to accept risk, they can use a lower ... system assumes the soil is a blank medium and devoid of natural nitrogen. We know that's not ... from the soil, but does that translate into higher nitrogen demand? Investigation of nitrogen rate ...
GAPs Audit Process
fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored as safely as possible to minimize risks ...
Selenium Uptake in Berries Offers Organic Option in Nutrition
and how that availability can meet a consumer's nutritional needs. "Ohio soils in general ... are low in selenium and have high concentrations of iron which can restrict selenium uptake in ... will uptake and hold in meeting daily nutritional recommendations. "Adding 500 ppm of selenium ...
Food Preservation Workshop
canning vegetables and is appropriate for people with all levels of experience, said Melissa J. Rupp, ... why certain procedures must be followed precisely to ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and ...
Food Preservation Workshop
canning vegetables and is appropriate for people with all levels of experience, said Melissa J. Rupp, ... why certain procedures must be followed precisely to ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and ...
Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program announces the 2020 Ohio New and Small Farm Colleges
participants will receive a notebook (per each $150 registration) of all resource materials, a soil test ... week. This class will be limited to the First 50 registrations. The cost of the course is $150 per ...
Other FCS Programs
(Register Here) and will be contacted at a later date if they have been selected. Pressure Canner Testing ... Melissa J. Rupp will be testing pressure canners to ensure that they are in the best shape as we head into ... canning season. It is $5/lid to have them tested. To schedule a time to have your pressure canner tested ...