
Search results

  1. Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa (PDF)

    pests and diseases, and the emergence of precision soil sampling and fertilizer rate and placement ...

  2. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    classifications: High Pathogenic and Low Pathogenic AI.  High Path AI strains are extremely infectious, often fatal ... purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs; green diarrhea; and nasal discharge.  If a High ... are moving between farms. When AI has been identified within a flock, the USDA has a response team ...

  3. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    can tell you if the feedstuff is low, medium or high quality.  Do you know how your livestock water ... but levels below 3000 ppm are generally considered safe to drink.  Nitrates and sulfates should be ... nitrates the level in water should be below 20 ppm as long as feedstuffs contain low nitrate levels.  With ...

  4. MAE Job Market Panel 2024

    perspective of the job seeker. This tradition has been instrumental in bridging the gap between academia and ... Chase (represented by the Vice President of Portfolio Risk Modeling)   Huntington National Bank ... (Senior-Vice President, Quantitative Risk Modeling and Analytics Managing Director)   Department of Medicaid ...

  5. Jam-packed Schedules Can Impact Mental Health

    make the wheels fall off the bus. Margin: The space between load and limits In his book, “Margin: ... describes margin this way: “Margin is the space between our load and our limits. It is the amount allowed ... situations. Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and ...

  6. Key To Corn Success Is Getting It In The Ground Properly

    statement has stood the test of time, and that the simplistic tips from 20 years ago still hold true today.  ... program is $50, which covers the manual, a grazing stick, and program supplies.  To register for any of ...

  7. Common Plant Names Cause Common Misconceptions

    with highly invasive non-native plants simply because of overlapping common names. This can lead to ... mention of the name, or really any plant name that crosses over between native and non-native invasives. ...

  8. Midwest Economics Association Meeting, March 2024

    stress-tolerant seeds and access to index insurance bundled with a production loan affect their investments in ...

  9. 4-H Around the Globe

    4-H Around the Globe Are you curious about other countries? This intermediate-level project takes ...

  10. Clothes for High School and College

    Clothes for High School and College This project is an advanced-level project designed for members ... in high school with some clothing experience. Construct an outfit with a minimum of two pieces, or ... leadership/citizenship activities. ©1993. 1718067140 ...
