
Search results

  1. Dairy and Juice HACCP

    refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event of a low attendee registration or weather emergency, ...

  2. Dr. Laura Elizabeth Lindsey (614) 292-9080 Kottman Hall (230) Columbus Campus PhD Crop & Soil Sciences- Michigan State ... University (2012) MS Soil Science- The Ohio State University (2009) BS Environment & Natural Resources- ... teachers). I’ve also always enjoyed science – many of my science fair projects growing up involved soil & ...

  3. Fresh Produce Traceability

    Data Elements (KDE).  The  Food Traceability List (FTL) identifies high risk foods for which the ...

  4. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    I was always on the go with both work and school, while also making time between both of those to play ...

  5. FST Facilities Page

    (Plas-Labs, Inc) High speed centrifuge (Eppendorf) UV/Vis Spectrometer (Genesys 150, Thermo Scientific) ... Universal Testing Machine – Model 5542 Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) Portable refractometers, medium- to ... (Biosafety Level II). Facilities and equipment available include two high-performance liquid chromatographic ...

  6. Dr. Wendy Klooster

    blueberry production at a large scale in Ohio. Container blueberry production can be a high value crop that ... would make use of urban environments that may include heavy metal contaminated, non-remediated soils ... , land-bank property or prior construction sites. Many central and north central Ohio soil types are also too alkaline for ...

  7. January 2024 Highlights

    contest included 87 high school students from 26 schools at the state level. Serving as superintendents of ...

  8. Summer Courses at Stone Lab

    get outside, and discover science. Ohio State's Stone Lab offers high-impact courses that give ...

  9. Faculty Expertise

    safety, Extension, Food preservation, Consumer food safety education, Food labels, Risk communication, ... of thermal and nonthermal food preservation technologies such as high pressure processing. Kinetic ... and Professor-   Testing of natural and fortified test foods that deliver fatty acids ...

  10. HCS Graduate Student Association

    between graduate students and the departmental administration. All graduate students in HCS are ... administrators.   Our Purpose Provide opportunities for interaction between graduate students  Improve students ... professional skills Provide a forum to plan academic and social events To serve as a liason between graduate ...
