
Search results

  1. H2Ohio Cover Crop Usage

    reduction. Those practices are soil testing, variable-rate fertilization, subsurface nutrient application, ...     NRCS Appendix A, including seed quality and testing requirements. 3. Seed mix must include a minimum of 50% of ... hand-in-hand with several of the BMP’s that H2Ohio uses, allowing for higher levels of control of the nutrient ...

  2. Farm Bill Could Help Farmers Weather Low Milk, Other Commodity Prices

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dairy farmers have a stronger safety net against low milk prices and high feed ... farmers will pay lower premiums for a federal program that provides them payments when the margin between ... milk prices and feed costs dips below a certain level set by the government. The top level of coverage ...

  3. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    phosphorus field requires soil test results, and those aren’t public information; they’re often kept only ... than their crops can use. Called “elevated phosphorus fields,” such fields may be at higher risk of ... hopes to learn about those fields and lower that risk by creating new public-private partnerships. Led ...

  4. Selenium Yeast for Dairy Cattle

    supplemented with the maximum legal amount of Se (currently 0.3 ppm). The question is, "Should you use ... certain areas of Ohio, water can contain very high concentrations of sulfate. In an experiment conducted ... at OARDC, sulfate intake equivalent to drinking water with approximately 300 ppm sulfate-sulfur (900 ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteers

    information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at ... an eight-week class, and complete 50 hours of volunteer activity. ...

  6. Learn About the Dangers of Lead Paint

    exposure is at high enough levels. According to  Groundwork Ohio's Building the Way Healthier Future ... about lead assessments or testing for your child.  Currently the  American Academy of Pediatrics  recommends a risk ... 4, 5 and 6 years of age. The recommendation is to do a risk assessment,  and do a blood lead level ...

  7. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    on how to test your soil. “Soil testing provides a window into the soil, revealing if a plant is ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  (CFAES). The workshop, called “Digging Into Soil Health: What Tests ... CFAES’  Soil Balancing Research Team, who plan to share details on testing the soil and on ways to improve ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing milk with ...

  9. Recognizing and Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle

    University Extension We have experienced high temperatures and uncomfortable humidity recently. These ... people.  Depending upon their level of production, temperatures as low as 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit can ... cause stress.  The table below shows the effects of the temperature-humidity index (THI) on dairy cattle ...

  10. Precautions for Feeding Frosted and Drought-Stressed Forages

    Fertility can affect poisoning risk. Plants growing under high nitrogen levels or in soils deficient in ... more risk. After frost damage, cyanide levels will likely be higher in fresh forage as compared with ... drought stress periods. Making hay does not reduce nitrate levels in the forage, but the hay can be tested ...
