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HPAI: Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle
industry, causing high levels of mortality. However, this does not seem to be the case in dairy cattle where ... identification of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cattle located in Texas and Kansas. They ... birds. The highly pathogenic classification is based on the severity of the disease in poultry, but it is ...
Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio
horsepower requirements, the level of tillage and soil disruption, depth of fertilizer placement, and ... inches wide) while leaving the soil between these strips undisturbed. When the strip-till unit is ... to conventional tillage by leaving residue on the soil surface between the strips. Quicker spring ...
Taylor Fulton
Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data 150 Agricultural ...
Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses
Tomatoes growing directly in the soil under high-tunnel protection with the side panels rolled up to allow ... tomato growers are choosing the option of cultivating plants in either a greenhouse or high-tunnel (hoop ... (Heuvelink, 2018). Both high-tunnel and greenhouse tomato growers use bumble bees for their pollination ...
Management of Nutrition Incentives at Farmers Markets
SNAP benefits use federal funds, rules must be followed to reduce the risk of fraud while also allowing ... purchased total $5.50, the customer can use $5 in incentives plus 50 cents cash to make the purchase. Or the ... customer could use $6 of incentives to make the purchase, but they would not receive 50 cents in change. ...
Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article
a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ... biogeography, and ecosystem analysis. The article, titled "Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil ... heat flux estimation" focuses on accurately estimating soil heat flux (SHF), crucial for ...
Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory
the test results will be of high quality, credible, and meaningful. In addition, any recommendations ... here to aid the grower in evaluating a soil analytical laboratory. Factors to Consider Test Methods ... region. This summary, entitled Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region, ...
Fusarium Head Blight or Head Scab of Wheat, Barley and other Small Grain Crops
50% or more of the spikelets may become damages. Scab also causes floret sterility, poor test weights ... accumulate at high levels in the harvested grain and may cause vomiting and feed refusal if scabby grain is ... Levels of vomitoxin exceeding 1 ppm and 5 ppm (parts per million) are unfit for human and livestock ...
HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Learn More
a high-level view of the federal order regarding testing and reporting of HPAI in dairy cattle. Where is this ... risks, implement biosecurity, testing, etc. is described in the factsheet by USDA and the Department of ... Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cattle: IS preventable and well-managed with strong ...
Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems
a medium-sized member of the dog family that includes wolves and foxes. With its pointed ears, slender muzzle, ... time coyote packs increase their territorial behavior. They maintain their high degree of territorial ... housecats may be attacked at any time, whereas attacks on medium-to-large dogs tend to occur during mating ...