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  1. The Data Ownership Confusion

    controlled. Between landowners, tenants, and commercial applicators, many scenarios exist where ownership of ... between all parties and stakeholders.” Farmers have a responsibility to be knowledgeable about the data ... document realize how these various scenarios affect farming operations across the country. By making sure ...

  2. Feeding Horses

    (from forage analysis) 1.07 15.4 0.94 0.41 Pelleted Grain (from feed tag) 1.50 12.0 0.75 0.85 ... we need to substitute grain for hay to raise the energy. 1.50 Mcal/lb DE of grain – 1.07 Mcal/lb DE ... source of sulfur. Excessively high levels of sulfur depress copper absorption. Sulfur is also found in ...

  3. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    maintain soil test levels appropriate for winter wheat production. Table 2 (click to download PDF). ... For example, hard red winter wheat should have a medium to high protein content of 10% to 13% (U.S. ... States, wheat is divided into six classes based on bran color (red or white), protein content (hard = high ...

  4. Dhakal and Katari receive ASABE Presentation Excellence Awards

    that demonstrate excellence in content, delivery, and impact, showing a high level of expertise and ... a student, it is incredibly rewarding to be recognized at the national level for my presentation," said ...

  5. Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory

    the test results will be of high quality, credible, and meaningful. In addition, any recommendations ... here to aid the grower in evaluating a soil analytical laboratory. Factors to Consider Test Me​thods ... region. This summary, entitled  Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region, ...

  6. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    compost. Take a soil sample, have the soil tested by your local Extension office, and add the recommended ... considered as substitutes for peaches. Genetically, the only difference between peaches and nectarines is the ... yellow or white-fleshed. Selecting Peaches and Nectarines for Consumption High quality peaches and ...

  7. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    container) tend to be low in nutrition and high in fat, sugar, sodium, and calories, and therefore are not as ... Breakfast- High-fiber cereal, yogurt, or a fruit or protein shake with fruit and vegetables. Lunch- Leftovers ... bring much enjoyment— a fit body, good health, and a reduced risk of many diseases. Make eating an ...

  8. Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

    is considered adequate if soil test levels are greater than 50 ppm (100 lb). Hi-cal (calcitic) lime ... ($50 hauling charge/60 acres). Summary In summary, make sure you obtain a soil test, determine if lime ... neutralization to raise the soil pH. High concentrations of hydrogen in soil solution (low soil pH) may cause the ...

  9. Lorrayne Miralha

    aligned, may lead to high-quality water for all. Her work has focused on Uncovering the linkages between ...

  10. Fusarium Head Blight or Head Scab of Wheat, Barley and other Small Grain Crops

    50% or more of the spikelets may become damages. Scab also causes floret sterility, poor test weights ... accumulate at high levels in the harvested grain and may cause vomiting and feed refusal if scabby grain is ... Levels of vomitoxin exceeding 1 ppm and 5 ppm (parts per million) are unfit for human and livestock ...
