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Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw
lower soil K levels. If straw is removed after heavy rainfall, some of the K may have leached out of the ... straw, lowering the nutrient value. However, a soil test should be done to accurately estimate nutrient ... scenarios are also available for profitability comparisons. Although N adds value, we do not give it an ...
Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew
that it has reduced seed size and quality if present early in the season and at high levels. Effective ...
A Wetter Pattern Returns But Drought Persists
counties on Friday. Conditions will turn mostly dry for the weekend, while temperatures and humidity levels ... near normal precipitation (Figure 3). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of 83-86°F, ...
Participant Profiles
County Soil and Water board in 2025. She is an active community member at the local and state level. She ... in Botkins, presently serving as manager of equipment delivery. Mike was Soil Conservation Cooperator ... Farm in Clinton County growing corn, wheat, and soybeans. Amy Browning Nominated by: Jefferson Soil ...
Vaccine Toolkit
prevent tough diseases such as those that spread through the air. Additionally, vaccines must pass testing ... before everyone can use them. These tests make sure the vaccine is safe and that they work well. These ... tests are still done after everyone can use them to make sure the vaccine is always safe and still ...
Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 10
Participants will rotate between sessions throughout the day. Sessions are listed below and will be presented ...
Vaccine Toolkit
prevent tough diseases such as those that spread through the air. Additionally, vaccines must pass testing ... before everyone can use them. These tests make sure the vaccine is safe and that they work well. These ... tests are still done after everyone can use them to make sure the vaccine is always safe and still ...
Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans to Encourage Emergence
soybeans were properly covered with soil when planted to keep a barrier between the salt and nitrogen in ... soil phosphorus levels, and the phosphorus in the manure being applied, so soil phosphorus levels are ... unless one uses a Grassland applicator toolbar or perhaps an Aerway set on maximum soil disturbance. If ...
Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article
a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ... biogeography, and ecosystem analysis. The article, titled "Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil ... heat flux estimation" focuses on accurately estimating soil heat flux (SHF), crucial for ...
Regional Updates: June 18 – 24, 2024
Central and West Central Ohio, with an estimated 25-50% of fields harvested in the region. Reported yields ... have ranged between 80 and 115 bu/ac. Area growers have taken advantage of an early wheat harvest and ... above average so far. Northwest- Wood County Extension Educator Nick Eckel reported that soil conditions ...