
Search results

  1. For Those Who Need To Scout Weevil, Here's How To Do It

    when GDD is between 325 and 575 (accumulation from a base of 48°F starting January 1 st).   As of ... pick or cut the stem samples off at ground level and place them upside down in a bucket. When all ...

  2. 174th Butler County Fair Coming July 21-27, 2024

    aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels of academic ...

  3. Global Capstone selected as Program of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship

    To support and promote high-impact engaged scholarship, the Office of Outreach and Engagement at ... excellence in community-engaged scholarship and meet the criteria of high-impact engaged scholarship. This ... thrive in the globalized world by establishing an interdisciplinary focus and providing high ...

  4. Agriculture Innovation Center to support value-added agriculture in northeast Ohio

    including the highest concentration of women farmers and small and medium farms in Ohio,” said Shoshanah ...

  5. Ally Lewis blends science and art through NASA Psyche Inspired internship program

    The NASA Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars ...

  6. Save Time and Money With These Simple Meal Prep Tips

    well in airtight containers. Foods with high moisture content, such as salad greens, tomatoes, or ...

  7. Wang appointed to Professorship in Plant Protection

    agricultural sciences. He brings to this role a wealth of experience and expertise, having served as a highly ... the top 2% of highly cited scientists in the world. Over the course of his career, Wang has garnered ... in his program.   In addition to his academic achievements, Wang has been highly successful in ...

  8. Faculty, staff, and students honored at the 2024 CFAES Research Forum

    Bernstein Analyzing How the Agriculture Microbiome Impacts Soil Carbon Stability under Different Management ... low-level ammonia concentrations at downwind locations of poultry layer production facilities Third Place- ...

  9. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    the importance of homegrown, high-quality feed and dairy profitability.  Cassie Yost and Tim Beck from ... forage for their rations but could conclude that they were also above average at producing high quality ... A Virus, formerly known as High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in dairy cattle, has slowed.  The animal health ...

  10. Pastures For Profit- Course 3

    6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...
