
Search results

  1. Boehm publications

    M.J., Lipps, P.E., and Slininger, P. J.  2004.  Field testing of antagonists of Fusarium head blight ... 2002.  Biological control of Fusarium head blight of wheat and deoxynivalenol levels in grain via use of ... urban soils on turfgrass establishment, productivity, and rust severity.  HortScience 36(4):790-794. ...

  2. We Believe That No One Should Go Hungry

    started as a Metro High School student in Columbus, when she was selected to participate in the  Global ...

  3. Dairy Youth Events at the 2010 Ohio State Fair

    If you are interested in any of our content that tests dairy aptitude, do not hesitate to contact ... judges stood on the tanbark to test their skills.  Seniors are required to give reasons, while I provide ...

  4. Keep Stored Grain Cool and Dry

    time for 18 percent moisture corn is about 200 days at 40 F, 90 days at 50 F, 50 days at 60 F and only ...

  5. 2010 Dairy Judging and Quiz Bowl Teams

    Ayrshire.  As an individual, Jason was high in Brown Swiss and 2nd in Jersey, while Sabrina Eick earned top ... American Contest, the "Scarlet" team was 5th overall and high in the Brown Swiss division.  ... had a positive day as 8th high individual.  This team will also travel to the North American Dairy ...

  6. Midwest Dairy Challenge

    the 16 teams of students were divided between two dairy farms (one Holstein and one Jersey) located in ...

  7. Pierce Paul people profile

    high school, I went on to complete a diploma in agriculture at the Guyana School of Agriculture where ... to receive a graduate research assistantship to work on developing disease prediction and risk ...

  8. New Chair for the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    exceptional experience and vision to lead the Department of Animal Sciences to the next levels of success.  ...

  9. Food security? ‘We have to have water security first or there is no food’

    Carolina State University soil science professor, who spoke on “Can We Protect Water Quality? The ...

  10. Four putative constitutive resistance genes against the emerald ash borer found in Manchurian ash

    section, yet black ash is highly susceptible to the emerald ash borer.  This contrast provides an ...
