
Search results

  1. Molds and Mycotoxins in Dairy Cattle: Effects, Diagnosis, and Control

    provides an overview of health effects, laboratory diagnosis, interpretation of results with risk levels ...

  2. Fall Application of Dairy Manure

    approach $150 to $175/cow annually. The rapidly increasing prices of pumps, hoses, and manure application ... soil erosion. Another benefit of cover crops that overwinter is the uptake of nitrogen early in the ... with your Soil and Water Conservation District to be certain your cover crop mixture meets the ...

  3. CC Allison Award

    the C.C. Allison Award in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of ... president of Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association in 2015.  On a national level, Walsh serves on ... Bonello.  His research encompasses physiological and biochemical relationships between pathogen-induced ...

  4. Food Preservation and Safety

    precisely to ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and their family can enjoy. Home Food ... OSU Extension, and others. All pressure canner dial gauges should be tested for accuracy each year. ... Testing for dial gauge canners is available at no cost by appointment. Contact Shannon Carter at ...

  5. Anne E. Dorrance

    ML; Taylor, CG; McHale, LK; Dorrance, AE. 2016. High-Density Mapping of Resistance QTL Toward ... 50: 2476-2492. Acharya, B., Lee, S., Rouf Mian, M.A., Jun, T., McHale, L.K., Michel, A.P., and ... S, Freewalt KR, McHale LK, Song Q, Jun T-H, Michel AP, Dorrance AE, Mian MAR  "A high resolution ...

  6. Corn Silage Price, Processing, Performance, and Preparation

    $0.50 to 1.50/ton, storage shrink at $4 to 8/ton, and feed out cost of $0.60 to 2.00/ton. Final in ... University Extension A high-performance football coach knows, the work is done in the weight room and ... practice. The farmers weight room work out of having quality corn silage starts with prepping the soil ...

  7. Foliar Fungicides for Corn Silage: A Benefit or an Expense?

    with fungal infections is that they may bring high levels of mycotoxins into the feed, but ... practices for disease selecting a corn variety with high levels of disease resistance. At the time of ... concentrations in the ear. The ability to have high toxin level in the stalk means we will need to scout even ...

  8. APS 2023

    Sponsoring Chairperson; Heng-An Lin, Sponsoring Chairperson. August 13, 2023 12:50 PM – 1:10 PM MDT Loss of ... 10:15-10:30 am Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation combined with grafting on Verticillium wilt and ... R Derksen, H Zhu, P Paul. P-197 Spatial variability of Macrophomina phaseolina and its relation to soil ...

  9. National Dairy FARM Program to Release Animal Care Version 5

    farmers are committed to producing high quality, safe milk with integrity. The National Dairy FARM Program ... process between FARM & co-op/processor for farms that exceed animal observation benchmarks ...

  10. Next Year’s Winter Annual Cereal Grain Forage Success Starts Now

    than the other three for hay. Barley CP stays higher even as the crop matures with similar CP levels at ... and a top location average for triticale at 5 tons/acre. In this study, 50 lb/acre of spring nitrogen ... 1.37 d 11.11 bc 50.4 d 69.5 a Hybrid Rye 10.5 1.85 bcd 9.28 d 65.9 a 56.9 ef Rye 10.0 1.92 bcd 10.89 bc ...
