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Hurricane Helene Howls
to return by midweek, with highs in the 60s and 70s and overnight lows in the 40s and 50s for ... precipitation leaning toward below normal (Figure 4). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of ...
Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained
drought conditions are expanding while corn is shutting down. While humidity levels have been high across ... Every summer, as conditions heat up and humidity levels rise during mid-summer, we hear the phrase ... losses from the soil (evaporation) and water losses from the crop (transpiration). Scientifically, we ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 29- 2024 Growing Season Wrap-Up
Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) from ...
BUGmobile: Unique Animals On the Move
of the animals here, with supervision of course. The Insectary itself is home to about 150 different ...
Hurricane Helene’s Effect on Soybean in Ohio
through September 30, rainfall totaled between 2 to 8 inches in western, central, and southern Ohio with ... average air temperatures in the mid to high 60s. After dry seed was exposed to these weather conditions, ...
Greenhouse Production
Nutrient film technology, deep water culture, high-wire propagation, pollination techniques ... produced year-round in areas that would not otherwise be suitable for farming: deserts, non-arable soil ... better fed. Growers have more quality control over production and plant nutrients, so the risk of ...
Ohio State’s Farm Science Review connects university to agricultural community
is underway this week. The three-day event highlights the deep connections between the university and ... educating 2.5 million Ohioans and supporting programming for over 150,000 young residents through 4-H clubs, ... and dean of CFAES. “One in every seven jobs in Ohio is related to agriculture. Farms make up over 50 ...
Wheat Planting When The Soil Is Dry
For the germination process to begin, wheat seeds need to imbibe (take in) water. With dry soil ... was greatest when we planted between the county’s Hessian fly-safe date and about 2.5 weeks after the ... but only by 10-15% compared to the optimum planting date timeframe. This year, with dry soil, farmers ...
Dreams a reality with 4-H
state, national, or even international level.” Kevin O’Reilly with his son’s steer. O’Reilly watching ...
Patricia Brundige Inducted into National 4-H Hall of Fame
the local, state, and national levels. This year, Brundige was one of 15 inductees honored during ...