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Emma Irvin
so much in my transition from high school to college. I hope to make the transition from high school ...
Elle Pentz
a connection between new students and myself. It is so important to have someone you can reach out to and get ...
Pastures For Profit- Course 3
6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...
Pastures For Profit- Course 2
6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...
Pasture For Profit- Course 1
6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...
Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly
the importance of homegrown, high-quality feed and dairy profitability. Cassie Yost and Tim Beck from ... forage for their rations but could conclude that they were also above average at producing high quality ... A Virus, formerly known as High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in dairy cattle, has slowed. The animal health ...
Sydney Ponti
Mentor? I wanted to meet new people and make the transition from high school to college a little easier ...
Sydney Ponti
Mentor? I wanted to meet new people and make the transition from high school to college a little easier ...
Natalie Redfern
Ohio State? My favorite thing about OSU is the sense of community shared between all of the students, ...
Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know
classifications: High Pathogenic and Low Pathogenic AI. High Path AI strains are extremely infectious, often fatal ... purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs; green diarrhea; and nasal discharge. If a High ... are moving between farms. When AI has been identified within a flock, the USDA has a response team ...