
Search results

  1. EPN Breakfast Event- Our Minds Matter: Enhancing climate resilience skills and well-being for environmental students and professionals

    context of disasters and disaster risk reduction to develop knowledge and inform policies centering ... to reduce the risk of stress-related chronic illness for both adults and children. Trained in ... both local & national levels. She has engaged influential people to take action, lobbied US ...

  2. Gary Gao, Ph.D.

    Centers. He conducts research trials on high value fruit crops. He also designs and delivers Extension ...

  3. Kelly High

    Kelly High Equine Manager Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working ...

  4. Schedule a Visit

    EXPERIENCE OHIO STATE FOR A DAY (EOFD) VISIT For High School Juniors, Seniors and Transfer ...

  5. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    Free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...

  6. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    This free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...

  7. Live Healthy, Live Well

    Live Healthy, Live Well is a team of Ohio State University Extension Educators concerned with health and wellness. Our goal is to help individuals improve their health through science-based information. Family Consumer Sciences Educator, Jenny Lobb  is ab ...

  8. 4-H Projects and Requirements

    Horses Franklin County 4-H has an exceptional horse program. It is highly recommended that all 4-H clubs ...

  9. CARTEENS Class

    payment is required in the amount of  $50.  Click here   to register. If you need to change sessions, ...

  10. OSUN Seminar Series- Utilizing precision nutrition strategies for biomarker discovery and chronic disease risk prediction: Hope or Hype?

    OSUN Seminar Series August 30th flier ...
