
Search results

  1. Corn Silage and Foliar Disease

    contamination of corn silage and high moisture corn with many nutritionists encouraging levels below 1 ppm in ... with DON levels as high as 17.9 ppm in one hybrid and 30.3 ppm in the other hybrid. Again, fungicide ... by at least 50%. The trial was then expanded the second year, which was a high disease pressure year ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing ... cows milking 70 and 85 lb/day is about $13.50 and $13.97/cwt, respectively. Both estimates are higher ...

  3. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    filled. Tower silos and areas around stored silage should be treated as confined spaces. Due to this risk ... very difficult to control or stop. Safety Around Machinery During silage harvest, there are risks of ... with a highly reflective SMV sign. During harvest, be sure to wash SMV signs and lights so that they ...

  4. Kim Sayers honored by Ohio Landscape Association

    technician test administrator and for more than  20 years kept the program on track. She was key in making Ohio ... one of the top tests in North America and was instrumental in establishing the strong community ... centered around the test. The National  Association recognized Kim's efforts, referring other states ...

  5. Beat the Heat Before It's Late: Cooling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

    responses of dairy cattle, you can identify those animals experiencing high heat load early on. Coupled with ... mitigate high heat load is clear and consistent across climates: shade, soakers, and fans. During summer, ... usually when the air temperature is about 72°F or when the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) is above 65. ...

  6. CFAES 2024 Teaching & Learning Community Gathering

    Gathering on Monday, August 12. This collaborative event between the college and the Michael V. Drake ...

  7. Insect Night Walk at Chadwick Arboretum

    highly-anticipated event is hosted in Columbus for the first time at the Chadwick arboretum in Columbus on July 27 ...

  8. 3-NOP (Bovaer™) Receives FDA Approval

    Carbon price of $30/ton Milk price of $17.50/cwt Ration cost of $0.15/lb DM In the first scenario ... 3-NOP is fed. Under this scenario, the breakeven cost for feeding 3-NOP is $0.41 to 0.45/hd/day. If ...

  9. Establishing Alfalfa and Weed Management

    be between 25 and 50 ppm. The Mehlich III soil test P concentrations should be between 40 and 79 ppm ... . The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ppm, the cation exchange capacity, ... and yield goal.  If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value for phosphorus is below 25 ppm ...

  10. Specialty Crops

    team of Extension and research members bring combined over 50 years of specialty crop research and ... hops, high tunnel production, pumpkins, culinary mushrooms, aquaponics, and pawpaw orchards. ... Professor in Extension focusing on strawberries, hops, high tunnel production, pumpkins, culinary mushrooms, ...
