
Search results

  1. An Evening Garden Affair

    developed for growing plants in a soilless medium to create high yield vegetable gardens under precisely ...

  2. Anne E. Dorrance

    ML; Taylor, CG; McHale, LK; Dorrance, AE. 2016. High-Density Mapping of Resistance QTL Toward ... 50: 2476-2492. Acharya, B., Lee, S., Rouf Mian, M.A., Jun, T., McHale, L.K., Michel, A.P., and ... S, Freewalt KR, McHale LK, Song Q, Jun T-H, Michel AP, Dorrance AE, Mian MAR  "A high resolution ...

  3. Maternity Product Giveaway (new product, free to the public!)

    client- BLANQI- is a leader in high quality maternity and post-partum wear. We have amassed a large ... it or sending to landfill. BLANQI produces high-quality apparel including nursing bras, belly bands ...

  4. Plastics, we got your number! New circular economy approaches unveiling potential to make a difference

    Program Overview What on Earth can we do in central Ohio with our plastics?! Macro-level analyses ... University Josh develops partnerships between Ohio State and major stakeholders, including businesses, ... State Energy Partners Award of $50,000 for administration and planning’s food scrap compost expansion. ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteer Training Offered

    along with some local experts. Some topics include botany, soils, entomology, plant pathology, plant ... training is $150.00 and includes the training manual and materials for the class. There is also ... a requirement for a background check at the volunteer’s expense. The program requires 50 hours of classroom ...

  6. Designing Circular Economy Strategies from within the Textiles and Fashion Industries

    clothing materials, which are highly energy-intensive processes in both electric and heating categories. ... Eileen Fisher and the movement of brands from linear to circular models. 8:50 a.m. Luke Henning, chief ... between Bethell, Ulasewicz, Gama and Henning moderated by Lewis and Goldsand. 9:15 a.m. Live audience ...

  7. ODA Pesticide-Fertilizer Testing


  8. ODA Pesticide-Fertilizer Testing


  9. ODA Pesticide-Fertilizer Testing


  10. Ohio Victory Gardens Offer Free Seeds

    Gardens program. Due to high demand, the program has expanded to include 50, up from 42 counties last ...
