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  1. Fish Farming Resources

    system has its own risks and benefits. It’s important to match the production system you use to your ... Division of Wildlife. This annual permit ($50-$100) gives farmers permission to culture and sell live fish ... cultured in the summer in ponds A high value niche species typically used for agritainment Resources: ...

  2. AEDE PhD Students Awarded the Bernie Erven Graduate Teaching Award for 2023

    Furthermore, she managed to achieve this level of teaching in the same semester that she passed her candidacy ...

  3. Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award

    licensing agreement for the rapid and low-cost soil health test he spent over a decade developing and ... the soil test over 15 years ago with the goal of creating something that was affordable, and so ... the soil?’” Islam recalled, when asked about his inspiration for developing the test kit. Fast forward ...

  4. Robert Moore

    graduated from Riverview High School in 1987. Robert received a Bachelor of Science degree in Dairy Science ...

  5. Previous Economic Outlook and Policy Webinar Series

    certified. We test whether different types of reminders on existing student sustainability fees affect ...

  6. Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors

    themselves as having medium levels of risk tolerance, 34% stated that they have high levels of tolerance, and ... greatest percentage, 44%, said that they had high levels of risk tolerance, 37% reported medium levels, and ... 26% noted that they have low levels of risk tolerance. Meanwhile, amongst nonfarm business owners, the ...

  7. ABC-1

    The ABC intensive level met the original goal by recruiting and training 50 potential new and ... high, the overall pre-test mean in 2013 was 2.48 and 1.88 in 2014. The post-test mean in 2013 was 3.97 ... with “3-I” levels: Intensive, an in-depth level involving immersion in a year-long hands-on training ...

  8. Cameron Thraen

    commodity price analysis, risk management and quantitative risk and decision analysis Rule and regulations ... Analysis Mathematical Optimization Modeling Applied Econometric Forecasting- Managing price risk using ... for Integrated Dairy Risk Management Education and Research, a national program to develop educational ...

  9. Brian E. Roe

      Roe, Brian, Leslie A. Whittington, Sara B. Fein and Mario F. Teisl.  “Is There Competition Between ... 80(February 2004):55-75. Roe, Brian. “Optimal Sharing of Food Safety Prevention Between Consumers and Industry ... “Financial and Psychological Risk Attitudes Associated with Two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the ...

  10. Proper Harvesting and Testing of Scabby Wheat Important to Minimize Vomitoxin Levels

    a big risk," said Paul. Paul said that some Ohio growers with high levels of scab in their fields ... and chickens, the limit is 10 parts per million. Ingredients with 10 ppm should not exceed 50 percent ... vomitoxin contamination down to acceptable levels. "If a grower has high levels of Staganospora and ...
