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  1. Common Plant Names Cause Common Misconceptions

    with highly invasive non-native plants simply because of overlapping common names. This can lead to ... mention of the name, or really any plant name that crosses over between native and non-native invasives. ...

  2. Frost-Damaged Forages

     Lab analyses that report prussic acid levels between 600-1000 ppm are potentially toxic and should be ... rotational grazing to reduce the risk of animals selectively grazing leaves that can contain high levels of ... after a frost. Nitrate levels can be tested at most labs. A forage sample analysis is worth the vet ...

  3. Forage Is Important To Overall Livestock Health

    rationalizes the need to test your forages.  The overall quality of our forages is highly dependent on the ... We have been discussing the importance of forage testing to the performance and well-being of your ... livestock.  Previously, we talked about how to collect a forage sample and how to read your forage test ...

  4. March Is The Time To Prepare Crops- And Get In On Coyote Research

    afternoon highs in the 60’s, robins searching for worms in the yard, and small grains and pastures starting ... between 30 and 40 pounds of N per 1000 gallons applied.  As many of you will be taking advantage of dairy ... at the OSU Beef Unit on Apple Creek Rd to wrap up the program.   The cost of the program is $50 ...

  5. Livestock Can Handle Low Temperatures But Challenges Exist

    both.  Either scenario can create some management problems for us to tackle.  Our ruminant livestock can ... livestock are fine.  However, the low critical temperature (LCT) for cattle can be as high as 59 degrees if ... beef cattle is between 18 and 20 degrees for those with a heavy winter coat, or 32 degrees for a normal ...

  6. AgriScience Education

    The AgriScience Education major will prepare students to acquire a license to teach high school ...

  7. Plan Now For Frost Seeding Renovation

    fertility are important.  A soil pH of 6.5 is desirable for legume plants.  Critical or base level soil test ... hay field. It involves broadcasting seed on to the soil surface and letting natural freeze/thaw cycles ... work to increase seed to soil contact.  Fields roughed up by livestock grazing and/or are overgrazed ...

  8. Construction Systems Management

    Specialist Site Preparation Specialist Soil Conservationist   Classes and Curriculum Students will take ...

  9. CFAES Recruitment Summit Registration

    Restrictions CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam ...

  10. Fall Manure Application to Wheat and other Fields

    or economic benefit to applying more phosphate on fields with soil test levels above 40 ppm M-3.  On ... legislation across Ohio.  Match the manure application to soil test phosphorus levels.  There is no agronomic ... soils with a phosphorus level above 40 ppm M-3 apply no more than crop removal rates of phosphate.  ...
