
Search results

  1. Managing Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds

    (SENR), will discuss the Phosphorus Risk Index, a field-based planning tool that integrates soil ... as farmers. In this webinar you will learn how the risk of phosphorus moving into water is assesed in ... properties, hydrology and agricultural management practices to assess the risk of phosphorus movement from ...

  2. Undergraduate

    past year, the department awarded more than $274,000 in scholarships to over 50% of our undergraduate ... a high demand for people with skills in food science and knowledge of business, accounting and personnel ...

  3. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2023 Spring Graduation

    – I really enjoyed the scenery around campus, getting to enjoy the gardens in between classes and even ... experiences: operating the massive high-field NMR instruments at Riffe, attending conferences with FST friends, ... classes at RPAC. The garden in front of the Parker building was my favorite place to take a walk between ...

  4. Dr. Chris Simons Awarded NIH Grant

    independently assess smell and taste function in individuals who are at high risk for contracting COVID-19. The ... Dr. Chris Simons received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to develop a novel test to ... reimagined uses of existing tools to address gaps in COVID-19 testing and surveillance. The award is part of ...

  5. FoodSURE and UG research

    department supports and encourages student research at every level. ...

  6. August 2022 Department Highlights

    determining consumer preferences between store brand and name brand products. NBC News NOW followed up with ...

  7. Pancakes won’t turn you into a zombie as in HBO’s ‘The Last of Us,’ but fungi in flour have been making people sick for a long time

    additives in bread but not in a powdered mix. Mycotoxins The biggest risk from fungi is not that it will ... eye on mycotoxin levels during crop production and storage. Just make sure you cook your bakery ...

  8. Lead

    middle-aged and older people and can cause anemia.  Exposure to high lead levels can severly damage the brain ... and kidneys in adults or children and ultimately death.  In pregnant women, high levels of exposure to ... lead may cause miscarriage.  High-level exposure in men can damage the organs responsible for sperm ...

  9. Bromide

    as fast as water through the soil. The main difference between the two is that chloride is more ... tracer. The purpose for testing for bromides prior to oil and gas drilling is to establish a base level to ... transport through soils. They do not adsorb to negatively charged soil minerals, which allows them to move ...

  10. Community Development

    offer county-level services, you can learn more about all OSU Extension community development programs ...
