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  1. Open Enrollment Deadline is FRIDAY

    rate changes for staff and faculty at varying income levels Cost decreases for Short-Term Disability ...

  2. Testing Agreement

    Please complete the Testing Agreement for Alternative Exams for students registered with the ... test administration. Questions may be addressed to Julia Everhart at ... and Number * Test/Quiz Modality * In person Online Time Limits (Enter time for all students) * Hours ...

  3. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    they contain high enough acid levels to prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores and the ... production of botulism toxin. Additionally, when properly canned fruits are heated long enough at high enough ... Check Table 2 for the correct amount of headspace to leave between the top of the fruit and the jar lid. ...

  4. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    goodie," The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey, laid the early ... increasing levels of responsibility. Managers should practice the habit of delegation, which will then allow ...

  5. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    + (0.05 x CEC))] + (YP x CR) + 20 CL is the critical level (100 ppm at a CEC of 10), STL is the soil test ... test results are based on soil calibration studies that correlate soil test levels to crop yield ... crop (buildup stage). Once soil test values reach the critical soil test level, a maintenance approach ...

  6. Lecture: The Restless Dead TONIGHT

    | Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies It’s always great to see cooperation between our ...

  7. Nic Baumer

    horticulture community. I was born and raised on a small farm in Shelby County. I graduated from Anna High ... School in 2009 and from The Ohio State University in 2013. I then spent nine years as a high school ... agricultural education instructor and FFA advisor at Benjamin Logan High School (three years) and Bradford High ...

  8. Fusarium Head Blight Forecasting System

    Red indicates high risk for scab exceeding 10% severity, yellow indicates moderate risk, while green ... indicates low risk. High scab risk is associated with high risk for grain contamination with vomitoxin, but ... reducing grain yield, test weight and grain quality. More importantly, F. graminearum produces mycotoxins, ...

  9. Food Preservation: Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Game

    removes the visible soil, sanitizing reduces the unseen microorganisms that might be present on cutting ... ensure safety. Poultry High-quality, fresh poultry is best for freezing. Young, tender birds are best for ... into desired pieces. Place a double layer of freezer wrap or waxed paper between each piece. Package ...

  10. Equine Center

    equitation courses represent a variety of breeds. We have horses to suit a variety of skill levels in both ...
