
Search results

  1. Establishing Alfalfa

    (P) levels should be between 25 and 50 parts per million (ppm).  The Mehlich III soil test P levels ... should be between 40 and 79 ppm.  The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ... ppm, the cation exchange capacity, and yield goal.  If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value ...

  2. Cleaning and Sanitation Basics + Advanced CIP

    2024)  Basic Microbiology Characterization of Process Soils Basic Sanitation Chemistry and Water Quality ...

  3. Spring Soiree 2024!

    highly engaged in HCS, CFAES, and OSU service and activities as an undergraduate student majoring in one ...

  4. Citizen's Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (cQHEI), Train-the-Trainer, April 4-5, 2024

    Evaluation Index (cQHEI), Train-the-Trainer, is coming up on April 4-5, 2024. The first day (classroom) will ... organizations in many other states use a standard method called the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) ... Level 1 data collectors under Ohio’s QDC law (OAC 3745-4-03) upon completion of the MBI training. ...

  5. Dairy Lab Skills Enrichment Workshop

    their skills related to sampling, testing, monitoring, verification, corrective action, troubleshooting, ... hygienic testing Plant pre-op inspections Troubleshooting quality and shelf life issues Best practices and ... self-assessments Proficiency Testing Dairy Chemistry and analysis – techniques, legal and economic factors Sensory ...

  6. Better Process Control School Acidified Foods

    Location TBD. Cancellations must be received before June 16 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ... will be followed.  Pre-packaged box lunches will be provided. Individuals who test positive or ...

  7. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    adding moisture to the soil that can enhance crop germination and emergence, especially if the weather ... soybeans. The seed is protected by an inch or more of soil. In university research, the application of ... scouring the soil surface and burying small corn plants or further burying seeds. Fields that are spring ...

  8. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets ... Experience  FSMA Compliance The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk ... the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”. This course developed by the FSPCA ...

  9. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Regan Draeger

    plants by common and scientific names, design floral arrangements, differentiate between crop diseases ...

  10. Better Process Control School (BPCS) FDA Certified-En Español.

    cancelación Hay una tarifa de cancelación de $ 50. No se otorgarán reembolsos por cancelaciones después del ...
