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  1. Management of Dry Cows to Promote Udder Health

    2 weeks and the last 2 weeks have been shown to be high risk times for new IMI (Smith et al., 1985). These ... milk/colostrum in the gland. Therefore, preventive strategies that impact either or both of these high risk times ... present in lactation, 50.5% originated in the non-lactating period (Todhunter et al., 1995). Similarly, ...

  2. Twin Row Corn Silage Research Plot Results

    a medium high population rating by Croplan. The Seed Consultant SC1082 with Maxim XL is a 112-day relative ... maturity hybrid with high ratings for grain quality and test weight. It also is ranked high for stress ... the plots planted at 50k seeds/ac in 30" rows. There was no difference between the plots of ...

  3. Controlling Feed Costs for Dairy Cattle

    prices are likely to fall and feed prices remain high, the impacts can be overwhelming (Scenario ... dairy cattle has increased 5 to 30%. While this can strip away profitability when milk prices are high ... costs per hundredweight of milk, which generally should be < $4.50/cwt. However, the value of the ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing milk with ...

  5. Milk Price Modernization Proposals

    pay producer premiums for high-quality milk. Class I Mover Change The Class I mover would return to ... be a better way to calculate Class I milk price and allow for better risk management, but this has ... not been the case. The current average calculation allows for simpler risk management as producers and ...

  6. Early-Spring Planted Forages for Dairy Farms

    the spring. Spring triticale is a cross between wheat and rye and is well-adapted to a range of soils ... generally has NDF concentrations around 50% and CP concentrations between 12 and 16%. Invitro NDF ... adapted to cool wet soils. Forage varieties have been developed and are marketed. Spring barley will ...

  7. Heat Stress in 2021: Will it be Intense?

    the U.S., heat stress is estimated to generate between $1.69 and $2.36 billion in total annual loss to ... factors in the humidity as well. For this reason, we utilize a temperature-humidity index (THI). While ... increased breaths per minute, which should be between 40 to 60 under normal conditions. While not ...

  8. Monitoring MUN in Dairy Cows- Ohio Data

    low-producing herds. The herd level MUN concentrations varied between 5.0 and 15.1 mg/dl in the low producing ... herds (overall average 11.3 mg/dl) and between 10.1 mg/dl and 19.2 mg/dl in the high producing herds ... 2.4 times more likely and cows with MUN levels between 10.0 and 12.7 mg/dl were 1.4 times more likely ...

  9. Use 2022 Profitability As a Catalyst for Retirement Savings

    retirement benefits is based on your 35 highest years of earnings. If you pay in at the minimum level, your ... social security retirement will be minimal. In high profitability years, managers should maximize the ... wages or profit that is subject to social security tax (to help with 35 high year average). According to ...

  10. Dairy Outlook: July 2023

    2023. Input costs and drought conditions have contributed to high dairy cow slaughter so far this year.  ...
