
Search results

  1. Joseph Lucente

    Measuring the Impact of Leadership Skill Development on Public Officials.  Journal of Extension, Volume 50 ...

  2. Fertilizer Certification

    of fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. Topics ...

  3. The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017 (PDF)

    study estimated that Ohio’s combined food and agriculture sectors generated almost $50 billion in gross ... rapid change for farmers in Ohio. This report summarizes state-level trends in farm numbers, farm sales, ... land use, workforce characteristics, and economic performance between 1997 and 2017. Because Ohio ...

  4. The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017

    study estimated that Ohio’s combined food and agriculture sectors generated almost $50 billion in gross ... rapid change for farmers in Ohio. This report summarizes state-level trends in farm numbers, farm sales, ... land use, workforce characteristics, and economic performance between 1997 and 2017. Because Ohio ...

  5. ECE Virtual Online Classes

    education within Ohio and at the national level to better understand the need to increase their professional ... emotions and energy levels as they impact their interactions with children. Ohio Approved 4.0 Hours CDA ...

  6. Better Process Control School

    must be received by February 20 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee ($150 ... high-speed internet connection Processor: 2 GHz Free Disk Space: 250 MB Free RAM: 2 Gb Resolution: 1024x768 ...

  7. Category 8: Turf Pest Control

    lawns, turf, sod and soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests, ...

  8. Category 8: Turf Pest Control (PDF)

    lawns, turf, sod and soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests, ...

  9. Corn Silage Ear Rot and Foliar Disease Management

    a high disease pressure with DON levels as high as 17.9 ppm in one hybrid and 30.3 ppm in the other ... leaf spot is favored by warm temperatures between 70 and 90°F and high relative humidity. Northern corn ... nutritionists encouraging levels below 1 ppm in corn utilized in the lactating ration. Fungicides may have the ...

  10. Core Manual Bundle

    pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not ...
