
Search results

  1. What does the pneumococcal vaccine do for you?

    pneumococcal disease, but some people, like children and seniors, are at increased risk. In addition, those ... cochlear implants, CSF leak, or sickle cell disease are at increased risk for pneumococcal disease and ... should get vaccinated. Adults who are smokers or have alcoholism are also at increased risk. Find more ...

  2. Be Mindful of Fall Armyworm, Which Could Get Interesting

    cutting. Fertilize according to soil test recommendations. Monitor the regrowth closely to catch any ... in Ohio. Wheat planted after this date have lower risks of damage from Hessian Fly as well as other ...

  3. Crop progress today relative to 2023 and the 5-year average

    hold, harvest can be expected earlier this year, with hopefully a lower risk of frost damage in fields ... 63-64% good to excellent, some regions with ample moisture in the soil but others lacking some. Adequate ...


    nature, creating bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture, to revolutionize alternative ...

  5. ASM 5580.Dr. Sami Khanal

    202 ASM 5580.Dr. Sami Khanal (Wed. Aug 21 class will be in room 245) Mondays between 4- 5:10 ... pm(room 245) and Wednesday between 10 am- 1 pm(room 202) this semester LJ Repeats every week every ...

  6. Two August Field Days to Explore Barriers and Benefits of Crop and Livestock Integration

    Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become ... systems. During this event attendees will consider soil health results and other on-farm data from our ... Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Register at: Soil and Water Management ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 20- August Weather Update

    between R5 and R6. Planting dates one and two have stopped putting on vegetative growth and flowering. ... Planting date one flowered between May 28 th and stopped on August 8 th. For diseases in soybeans, the only ... Wooster Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) ...

  8. Wildlife Area Coordinator- Multiple Positions

    the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) as we seek to ensure a balance between wise use and ... to collective bargaining agreement. Selection devices, proficiency testing and/or assessments may be ...

  9. Age

    Printable, Hepatitis B: Are You at Risk VAC infographic (PDF) MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) MMR Vaccine ... to ensure that you are eligible for additional vaccines 50-64 Shingles Shingles Vaccine Information ...

  10. Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe?

    likely to get COVID-19 again than those who are vaccinated. Vaccination lowers your risk of getting ... COVID-19. If you do get COVID-19 again, vaccination significantly lowers your risk of severe illness, ...
