
Search results

  1. Soil Phosphorus and Crop Response to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Ohio

    responding to applied P can best be predicted by soil-test P levels. Recently, Culman et al. (2023) published ... 29.9% of trials, soybean in 14.2% of trials, and wheat in 36.8% trials. Critical soil test levels ranged ... Furthermore, the risk of yield loss with no P application decreased as the soil P level increased. As per the ...

  2. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, November 12, 2024: Inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week: Celebrating healthy soils for environmental and human health

    Register Here Program Overview Ready to dig in? It’s the first ever Ohio Soil Health Week, and the ... the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) as we come together to celebrate healthy soils ... for environmental and human health!   Soil health is a growing topic of concern because it is ...

  3. Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality

    Soil test P is one indicator of environmental P loss potential from a field. STP values above 100 ppm ... Tests as Risk Indicators for Leaching of Dissolved Phosphorus from Agricultural Soils in Ontario. Soil ... called eutrophication, results in depleted dissolved oxygen in water bodies. A soil test for P (STP) ...

  4. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    manure equivalent at crop removal rates. Additionally, if soil test levels of P and K are below the ... critical level, then a "Buildup" recommendation would be considered to increase soil test levels ... soil test levels are at or above their respective maintenance limit, then no further P 2 O5 or ...

  5. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    determined using field studies to correlate soil test levels to crop yield response. Ohio data was used to ... This framework strives to build soil test levels up to and beyond a critical level, and then maintain ... these levels over time. The critical level is a key component to this framework. Soil test levels above ...

  6. November Webinars Highlight Diabetes Awareness Month

    diagnosed with prediabetes (Source: 2020 Ohio BRFSS), increasing their risk of progressing to Type ...

  7. 2025 ODNR Paid Summer Internship--Cultural History & Archive

    between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all! Across our 12 divisions ... a balance between wise use and protection of Ohio’s natural resources for the benefit of all. ODNR seeks ...

  8. 2025 ODNR Paid Summer Internship- Administration/Operations/

    to ensure a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all! ... opportunities. Play a role in ensuring a balance between wise use and protection of Ohio's natural resources ...

  9. 2025 ODNR Paid Summer Internship- Science Majors- Positions

    Resources (ODNR) as we seek to ensure a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for ... training opportunities. Play a role in ensuring a balance between wise use and protection of Ohio’s natural ...

  10. 2025 ODNR Paid Summer Internship- Engineering/Surveyor Major

    seek to ensure a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of ... professional development and training opportunities. Play a role in ensuring a balance between wise use and ...
