
Search results

  1. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

    and Japan. It commonly grows in the moist soils along the Amur River located between eastern Russia ... While Amur corktree prefers moist soils, it is highly adaptable to various soil conditions and can grow ... seeds within the soil. However, the hard seed is consistent with other species that can remain viable in ...

  2. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    your peers or with your advisor. Get Help from Friends You may already have tons of friends from high ... levels. You can do it! University and department handbooks are helpful resources- during the first weeks ...

  3. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    a non-native pest of boxwood (Buxus spp.) in Europe and North America and poses a risk to the health of ... wooded areas between urban sites in which boxwoods were frequently planted as ornamentals in Europe. The ... wild boxwoods served as BTM “pathways” between urban centers, facilitating the insect’s rapid spread ...

  4. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    site and rate criteria from Assessing Nutrient Loss Risk in Ohio (NRCS) between 50 to 200 PPM. Time ... step 7. STP value of 50 PPM Mehlich III or less: CROP YIELD —Reduce risk of crop yield losses with ... available. The maintenance STP range is "critical level" to 40 PPM in corn soybean rotation and 50 ...

  5. Box Tree Moth: Detection

    presents a significant risk to the health of boxwoods (Buxus spp.) in Ohio’s landscapes and nurseries ... resulting in the boxwoods appearing normal. Under high population conditions, the inside-out transition ...

  6. Box Tree Moth: What Should You Do?

    a high BTM population density. However, the selection and production of BTM-resistant boxwoods are in the ...

  7. SFMA from Jake Miller's Point of View

    I worked on a small golf course throughout high school and originally went to school for high school math ...

  8. Managing Talent for Success: Today and Tomorrow

    mind? You might think of flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to take risks. Innovators fill their ... These CEOs came primarily from Corn Belt and High Plains states, with some from the Mid-South and South. ... At some level, this suggests that the CEOs responding to the survey are managing for today and are ...

  9. Olivia Liebing Receives Magnolia Society International Travel Scholarship!

    hasten rooting and produce high quality plants."  Thankfully, Olivia had time to share what inspired ... Most days I bounce between researching out at the CEARC, writing, and attending a few key classes.  ...

  10. Dr. Darren Xia

    on an interdisciplinary strawberry research project to produce high-quality, flavorful strawberry ...
