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  1. Glen Arnold

    livestock farm in southeast Ohio. He taught Vocational Agriculture at Randolph Southern High School in Lynn, ...

  2. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    Lake Erie. All with the help of an online program. The revised Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index is a program ... farm-specific data to generate their risk of phosphorus in agricultural runoff. The revised index is the result ... The revised phosphorus risk index can help Ohio farmers better work toward meeting the 40 percent ...

  3. More Fertilizer Certification Opportunities in 2018

    One way to prevent applying too much fertilizer is a soil test, which can determine how much, if any, ... nutrients are needed. However, soil tests can be costly, so it might seem it’s cheaper to buy and apply more ... fertilizer than it is to test the soil to see if it needs the additional fertilizer, Watters said. Cost can ...

  4. Keeping Phosphorus Out of Waterways

    million.  Almost every year, somewhere in Ohio, at least one public alert goes out about high nitrate levels ... are testing phosphorus filters that have removed up to 75 percent of the phosphorus running through ... field, rainfall percolates through layers of soil and eventually into an underground plastic pipe system ...

  5. Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program announces the 2020 Ohio New and Small Farm Colleges

    participants will receive a notebook (per each $150 registration) of all resource materials, a soil test ... week. This class will be limited to the First 50 registrations.   The cost of the course is $150 per ...

  6. Farm Bill Could Help Farmers Weather Low Milk, Other Commodity Prices

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dairy farmers have a stronger safety net against low milk prices and high feed ... farmers will pay lower premiums for a federal program that provides them payments when the margin between ... milk prices and feed costs dips below a certain level set by the government. The top level of coverage ...

  7. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    phosphorus field requires soil test results, and those aren’t public information; they’re often kept only ... than their crops can use. Called “elevated phosphorus fields,” such fields may be at higher risk of ... hopes to learn about those fields and lower that risk by creating new public-private partnerships. Led ...

  8. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    on how to test your soil. “Soil testing provides a window into the soil, revealing if a plant is ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  (CFAES). The workshop, called “Digging Into Soil Health: What Tests ... CFAES’  Soil Balancing Research Team, who plan to share details on testing the soil and on ways to improve ...

  9. Soil health at risk on fallow fields

    risks to next year’s crops, soil experts from The Ohio State University warn. If wind or rain carry away ... fallow this year if a soil test indicates the soil is low in phosphorus, he said. Across Ohio, 1.5 ... a soil fertility specialist with Ohio State University Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...

  10. Farm Science Review 2018: Plenty of Sunshine, a Larger Exhibit Area and Lots of Corn Hats

    108,074 visitors, who came to admire new machinery and learn about techniques and trends, test ... Environmental Sciences (CFAES). While farm income nationwide is projected to dip, plunging 50 percent in 2018 ... compared to the 2013 level, and soybean tariffs are squeezing out markets, there are always new tractors, ...
