
Search results

  1. Gifting to reduce federal estate taxes

    help reduce a farm's federal estate tax risk. tax gifting federal estate tax ...

  2. Open Faculty Positions

    between the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. ...

  3. Helping Your Houseplants Thrive

    6:00-7:00 pm  - From the Ground Up: Taking Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You- Fairfield County ...

  4. Edible Landscaping: Beauty and Bounty

    6:00-7:00 pm  - From the Ground Up: Taking Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You- Fairfield County ...

  5. From the Ground Up: Takng Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You

    6:00-7:00 pm  - From the Ground Up: Taking Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You- Fairfield County ...

  6. Landscaping for Birds

    6:00-7:00 pm  - From the Ground Up: Taking Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You- Fairfield County ...

  7. Don’t Let a Lapse in Biosecurity Ruin Your Fair

    Frequently over recent months you may have heard of the current outbreak of Highly Pathogenic ... Minnesota Board of Animal Health reported that a juvenile goat on a Minnesota farm tested positive for HPAI. ... been in contact with affected cattle tested positive for HPAI. The next week North Carolina became the ...

  8. Pollinator Monitoring

    collecting the data. This survey of native and introduced perennial plants is a collaborative effort between ... used to create charts that show when each of the plants are in high-bloom vs. low-bloom across the ...

  9. Joseph Lucente

    Measuring the Impact of Leadership Skill Development on Public Officials.  Journal of Extension, Volume 50 ...

  10. Is Roundup Really Roundup?!?

    a place where plants that were not intended to be killed are at risk. Roundup For Lawns left below, ... difference between product names, and the active ingredients in them. In the years since Roundup For Lawns ...
