
Search results

  1. Rumen Acidosis in Dairy Cattle – A Cause for Concern?

    depressed below optimal levels. RA can be acute (observable symptoms such as off feed, lethargic) or ... fed cattle. Remember, lush pasture has high concentrations of digestible carbohydrates that can reduce ... digestion by up to 30%. By these definitions, SARA is highly prevalent in dairy cattle – up to 33% of dairy ...

  2. Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    excellent tool but is highly specific to the conditions and goal of each operation. This variability in ... conversation. Rotational grazing can be subdivided into a high-intensity, low-frequency grazing system (HILF), ... and a low-intensity, high-frequency (LIHF) grazing system. Both grazing systems have the ability to ...

  3. Brenda Medina Privatt

    their interactions with turfgrass, water, and soil. Additionally, OSU is highly regarded in the ...

  4. Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!

    take golf course maintenance to the next level including, USGA's Moisture Meter, Toro's ... expect and didn't have any expectations going into it. After taking the test last year and getting ...

  5. Raising Meat Chickens

    approximately 6 pounds, and the carcass will dress between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds. Planning Your Enterprise Budget ... Budgeting is the building block for any successful business. It allows you to evaluate options, gauge risks ... Approximately $25 for a 50-pound bag of feed. Each bag of pine shavings costs approximately $5. Feeders/Waterers ...

  6. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    cultivating gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop is growing due to their high vitamin and antioxidant ... gooseberries have no restrictions in Ohio. Given the low potential threat level of WPBR in Ohio, a future ban ... leading countries for the production of currants. In 2022, the total production of currants was 509.50 ...

  7. Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    taking calculated risks, or addressing uncertainties. Stepping outside of one's comfort zone builds ... lives face a rival who is beating them in the marketplace and putting their future at risk, and ... leadership potential. Despite immense physical and mental challenges, cadets who exhibited higher levels of ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

    and Japan. It commonly grows in the moist soils along the Amur River located between eastern Russia ... While Amur corktree prefers moist soils, it is highly adaptable to various soil conditions and can grow ... seeds within the soil. However, the hard seed is consistent with other species that can remain viable in ...

  9. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    your peers or with your advisor. Get Help from Friends You may already have tons of friends from high ... levels. You can do it! University and department handbooks are helpful resources- during the first weeks ...

  10. Soil Health Webinar Series Continues 2/13/25

    health tests and what they are telling us   Apr. 10  – Soil health in the urban sphere  Learn more and ... Soil Health Webinar Series Dig into soil health during the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar ... Series. The webinars will feature a variety of speakers and topics related to soil health, including:  ...
