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  1. Tips on safely storing eggs, finding alternatives amid rising prices

    be discarded.” As prices remain high, some consumers are turning to egg substitutes, especially for ...

  2. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    cultivating gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop is growing due to their high vitamin and antioxidant ... gooseberries have no restrictions in Ohio. Given the low potential threat level of WPBR in Ohio, a future ban ... leading countries for the production of currants. In 2022, the total production of currants was 509.50 ...

  3. Raising Meat Chickens

    approximately 6 pounds, and the carcass will dress between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds. Planning Your Enterprise Budget ... Budgeting is the building block for any successful business. It allows you to evaluate options, gauge risks ... Approximately $25 for a 50-pound bag of feed. Each bag of pine shavings costs approximately $5. Feeders/Waterers ...

  4. Guest Experiences Manager- East

    qualification is: High School Diploma or GED is required and a least 4 years’ experience which evidence ...

  5. Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    taking calculated risks, or addressing uncertainties. Stepping outside of one's comfort zone builds ... lives face a rival who is beating them in the marketplace and putting their future at risk, and ... leadership potential. Despite immense physical and mental challenges, cadets who exhibited higher levels of ...

  6. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Water Reuse for Ohio’s Future: Implications for advanced industry, land conservation, and resource efficiency.

    microchip manufacturing plants and data centers have been developed across the state, often requiring high ... (AWS) outlines water sustainability initiatives taking place in AWS operations. 8:50 a.m. Kristy ... Hawthorne, District Program Administrator, Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District presents on land ...

  7. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

    and Japan. It commonly grows in the moist soils along the Amur River located between eastern Russia ... While Amur corktree prefers moist soils, it is highly adaptable to various soil conditions and can grow ... seeds within the soil. However, the hard seed is consistent with other species that can remain viable in ...

  8. Soil Health Webinar Series Continues 2/13/25

    health tests and what they are telling us   Apr. 10  – Soil health in the urban sphere  Learn more and ... Soil Health Webinar Series Dig into soil health during the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar ... Series. The webinars will feature a variety of speakers and topics related to soil health, including:  ...

  9. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    site and rate criteria from Assessing Nutrient Loss Risk in Ohio (NRCS) between 50 to 200 PPM. Time ... step 7. STP value of 50 PPM Mehlich III or less: CROP YIELD —Reduce risk of crop yield losses with ... available. The maintenance STP range is "critical level" to 40 PPM in corn soybean rotation and 50 ...

  10. Small Farm Conference March 8 in Wooster Ohio, Registration Now Open

    a Hoophouse, Integrated Disease Management Strategies for Apple and Peaches, High Tunnel Tour, Using Cover ... Crops for Soil Regeneration, Creating Habitat for Beneficial Insects on the Farm, Growing Microgreens, ...
